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Liaison statement
Response to ITU-T TSAG Liaison TSAG-LS13-E "Update of IETF and ITU-T collaboration guidelines"

Additional information about IETF liaison relationships is available on the IETF webpage and the Internet Architecture Board liaison webpage.
State Posted
Submitted Date 2012-01-25
From Group IAB
From Contact Eliot Lear
To Group ITU-T
To Contacts
Cc Eliot Lear <>
The IAB Chair <>
The IAB <>
The IAB Executive Director <>
Steve Trowbridge <>
Reinhard Scholl <>
Response Contact
Technical Contact
Purpose In response
Attachments (None)
Liaisons referred by this one Update of IETF and ITU-T collaboration guidelines
The IAB thanks the ITU-T for its liaison of January 18th on updating
IETF and ITU-T collaboration guidelines.   We have reviewed the Terms of
Reference and believe that the list of items to be updated in Supplement
3 to the ITU-T A-series of Recommendations/RFC3356 is a realistic work
plan for the time period requested for the two organizations to produce
an update. We suggest that the correspondence group limit its work to
the items listed in the Terms of Reference, and deliver the needed
updates before discussing additional proposals for updates.

We have asked the IETF Liaison Manager to the ITU-T, Eliot Lear, to act
as the representative from IETF to work with your representative as a
co-chairman to help to prepare a proposal for a revised Supplement 3 to
the ITU-T A-series of Recommendations/RFC3356 that contains text that is
mutually agreeable to both of organizations. We look forward to seeing
rapid progress.