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Liaison statement
Liaison to Internet Area on Identifier/Locator separation

Additional information about IETF liaison relationships is available on the IETF webpage and the Internet Architecture Board liaison webpage.
State Posted
Submitted Date 2010-09-27
From Group ITU-T-SG-13
From Contact Tatiana Kurakova
To Group INT
To Contacts Jari Arkko <>
Ralph Droms <>
Cc Keith Knightson <>
Chaesub Lee <>
Olivier Le Grand <>
Igor Faynberg <>
Monique Morrow <>
Response Contact Keith Knightson < >
Tatiana Kurakova <>
SG13 secretariat <>
Technical Contact Keith Knightson < >
Purpose For information
Deadline 2010-12-31 Action Needed
Attachments Liaison to Internet Area on Identifier/Locator separation
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.FAid-loc-split - Functional architecture for the support of ID/locator separation in NGN
Abstract: This liaison is submitted to the IETF, Internet Area directors for
action and comment. IETF Internet Area directors: Jari Arkko: Ralph Droms: 1       Introduction
ITU-T Study Group (SG13) Question 5 has been considering the architectural
aspects related to the  separation of identifiers from locators. A draft ITU-T
Recommendation is under development, currently known as “Y.FAid-loc-split -
Functional architecture for the support of ID/locator separation in NGN” which
is attached to this liaison for consideration and comment by relevant IETF WG.
The following IETF WGs groups, among others may be relevant: hip, lisp, mif,
shim6. Given the number of possible approaches and solutions, the ITU-T is not
entirely sure which, or how many IETF working groups are involved, and so this
liaison is directed firstly at the Internet Area directors so that they may
select the appropriate working groups relevant to this subject. 2      
Compatibility/Synergy with IETF activities The ITU-T  recognises the IETF’s
role in developing the protocol solutions to be used and the ITU-T seeks to
describe the appropriate architectural aspects associated with them. It is
hoped to obtain consent to the draft Recommendation mentioned above at the
January 2011 meeting of ITU-T SG13, subject/according to IETF comments. It
would be extremely helpful to the ITU-T Study Group 13 if the appropriate IETF
Working Groups could provide their comments as soon as is practicable in order
for them to be taken in preparing the document for consent by SG13 Q5 at the
next meeting scheduled for 17 - 28 January 2011. Attachment:    
Y.FAid-loc-split - Functional architecture for the support of ID/locator
separation in NGN” (clean version)