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Concluded WG Connection IP (cip)

Note: The data for concluded WGs is occasionally incorrect.

WG Name Connection IP
Acronym cip
Area Internet Area (int)
State Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-cip-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Personnel Chair Claudio M. Topolcic
Mailing list Address
To subscribe

Final Charter for Working Group

This Working Group is looking at issues involved in
connection-oriented (or stream- or flow-oriented) internet level
protocols. The long-term intent is to identify the issues involved,
to understand them, to identify algorithms that address them, and to
produce a specification for a protocol that incorporates what the
Working Group has learned. To achieve this goal, the Group is
defining a two year collaborative research effort based on a common
hardware and software base. This will include implementing different
algorithms that address the issues involved and performing experiments
to compare them. On a shorter time-line, ST is a stream-oriented
protocol that is currently in use in the Internet. A short-term goal
of this Working Group is to define a new specification for ST, called
ST-2, inviting participation by any interested people. MCHIP and the
Flow Protocol have also been discussed because they include relevant


Date Milestone Associated documents
May 1992 Produce a specification of a next generation connection oriented protocol.
May 1991 Implement experimental modules and perform experiments.

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Implement hardware and software platform.
Done Produce a new specification of ST.
Done Define common hardware and software platform.