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Concluded WG Internet Message Access Protocol Extension (imapext)

Note: The data for concluded WGs is occasionally incorrect.

WG Name Internet Message Access Protocol Extension
Acronym imapext
Area Applications Area (app)
State Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-imapext-02 Approved
Document dependencies
Personnel Chair Pete Resnick
Mailing list Address
To subscribe

Final Charter for Working Group

The IETF IMAP extensions Working Group shall revise and publish
standards-track extensions to IMAP4 for performing the following

  1. Sorting, threading, and viewing (to be dealt with by one or more

  2. Access Control Lists

  3. Message-level annotations

Revising the base IMAP4rev1 specification is out of the scope of this
WG. However, this WG will ensure that whatever extensions it does
propose do not worsen any existing problems in the base specification
of IMAP, nor do they make any such problems harder to address in the


Date Milestone Associated documents
Jul 2008 ACL2 to WG Last Call--note that if this milestone is not met we agreed to close the WG and defer ACL2 to another WG
May 2008 New draft of ACL2 proposal which would *obsolete* existing ACL RFC

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Submit to IESG: List Extensions
Done Submit to IESG: i18n
Done WG last call for LIST extensions draft, defining syntax allowing much better extensibility in the frequently-extended LIST command, and supporting other drafts in this WG
Done Submit to IESG: annotate
Done WG Last call for annotate draft
Done WG last call for i18n draft
Done Submit to IESG: comparator
Done WG last call for comparator draft
Done Submit I-D to *update* existing ACL RFC, explaining rights & listing rights in CAPABILITY response
Done Submit draft on conditional storage to help multiple clients use a single mailbox to IESG
Done Submit revised Sorting/Threading/Viewing spec(s) to IESG