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Internet-Draft submission API instructions

Note: API endpoint described here is known to have a slow response time or to fail due to timeout for some Internet-Draft submissions, particularly those with large file sizes. It is recommended to use the new API endpoint instead for increased reliability.

A simplified Internet-Draft submission interface, intended for automation, is available at

The interface accepts only XML uploads that can be processed on the server, and requires the user to have a datatracker account. A successful submit still requires the same email confirmation round-trip as submissions done through the regular submission tool.

This interface does not provide all the options which the regular submission tool does. Some limitations:

  • Only XML-only uploads are supported, not text or combined.
  • Document replacement information cannot be supplied.
  • The server expects multipart/form-data, supported by curl but not by wget.

It takes two parameters:

  • user which is the user login
  • xml, which is the submitted file

It returns an appropriate http result code, and a brief explanatory text message.

Here is an example:

$ curl -S -F "" -F "xml=@~/draft-user-example.xml"
Upload of draft-user-example OK, confirmation requests sent to:
User Name <>