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Agenda IETF116: qirg

Meeting Agenda Quantum Internet Research Group (qirg) RG
Date and time 2023-03-27 06:30
Title Agenda IETF116: qirg
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2023-03-26

# Agenda

1. Administrativia + group update + resolving any online issues (5 min)

2. Testbed networks around the world (50 min):

  - Quantum Network Testbed Developments in NL
    Jesse Robbers

  - Design and Implementation of the Illinois Express Quantum Metropolitan Area Network
    Joaquin Chung

    Abstract: The Illinois Express Quantum Network (IEQNET) is a program to realize
    metropolitan-scale quantum networking over deployed optical fiber using currently available
    technology. IEQNET consists of multiple sites that are geographically dispersed in the Chicago
    metropolitan area. Each site has one or more quantum nodes (Q-Nodes) representing the
    communication parties in a quantum network. Q-Nodes generate or measure quantum signals such as
    entangled photons and communicate the measurement results via standard classical signals and
    conventional networking processes. The entangled photons in IEQNET nodes are generated at
    multiple wavelengths and are selectively distributed to the desired users via transparent
    optical switches. In this talk I will describe the network architecture of IEQNET, including the
    Internet-inspired layered hierarchy that leverages software-defined networking (SDN) technology
    to perform traditional wavelength routing and assignment between the Q-Nodes. Specifically, SDN
    decouples the control and data planes, with the control plane being entirely implemented in the
    classical domain. I will also discuss the IEQNET processes that address issues associated with
    synchronization, calibration, network monitoring, and scheduling.

  - Quantum Internet Task Force (Japan)
    Shota Nagayama

2. draft-irtf-qirg-quantum-internet-use-cases (10 min)

3. Experimental demonstration of entanglement delivery using a quantum network stack (20 min)
   Carlo Delle Donne

   Abstract: Scaling current quantum communication demonstrations to a large-scale quantum network
   will require, among other things, reliable control of the quantum devices, as well as
   platform-independent user interfaces to allow running applications without the knowledge of the
   underlying physical implementation. Here we discuss the implementation of a networking stack for
   quantum network nodes, and demonstrate basic quantum communication services through such a stack,
   which is deployed on two quantum devices based on nitrogen-vacancy center technology. To
   benchmark our system, we implement and run three simple quantum networking applications, which
   are written using a platform-agnostic SDK. Our results mark a clear transition from physics
   experiments to quantum communication systems, and open the door to further research on robust
   abstractions for programmable quantum network nodes.

4. Book announcement (5 min)
   Rod Van Meter

Total: 90 minutes