Meeting Agenda | IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE 802.15.4e (6tisch) WG | |
Date and time | 2018-01-26 15:00 | |
Title | (None) | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2018-01-26 |
## DRAFT ## # Minutes, 26 January 2018 interim, 6TiSCH WG # Connection details ------------------ * Date: January 26th, 2018 7-8am Pacific http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/?qm=1&lid=100,12,5392171,1850147&h=100&date=2018-01-26&sln=14-15 * Meeting link: https://cisco.webex.com/ciscosales/j.php?MTID=m26a052c1fa38de0d29a17b7228b2b9f2 * Meeting number (access code): 204 172 595 * Meeting password: fcqY7cPj (32797275 from phones) Agenda ------ * admin [ 2min] * draft-papadopoulos-6tisch-pre-reqs [20min] * security update (Michael Richardson) [ 5min] * 6LoWPAN Fragmentation (Thomas Watteyne) [25min] * Any Other Business [ 3min]