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Meeting Agenda Network Time Protocols (ntp) WG
Date and time 2020-09-17 15:30
Title (None)
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2020-08-28

The NTP WG will have a virtual interim meeting on 17 September 2020 from 1530 -
1700 UTC.

The draft agenda is:
1. Administrative and Agenda Bashing
2. NTP WG Document Status Review/Update
3. WGLC results/discussion on draft-ietf-ntp-port-randomization
4. Call for Adoption results/discussion on draft-mlichvar-ntp-alternative-port
5. <Other documents with updates>
6. Any updates on NTS Development, Measurement and Testing
7. Any updates on NTP v5 requirements and next steps
8. TICTOC WG Document Status Review/Update
9. AOB

Please get your comments in on existing drafts, and authors/editors please
update documents in progress. Send any agenda requests to Dieter and I, and we
will update the agenda accordingly.

Karen and Dieter

Karen ODonoghue is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NTP WG meeting
Time: Sep 17, 2020 03:30 PM GMT

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