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Agenda interim-2021-iab-03 2021-01-20

Meeting Agenda Internet Architecture Board (iab) IETF
Date and time 2021-01-20 21:30
Title Agenda interim-2021-iab-03 2021-01-20
State (None)
Other versions markdown
Last updated 2023-08-31


2021-01-20 Agenda

IAB Agenda: 2021-01-20, 2130 UTC

Agenda as of 2021-01-17. IAB agendas are subject to change, up to and during the meeting.

1. Administrivia (Cindy) - 5 mins (Public)

1.1. Attendance

1.2. Agenda bash & announcements

1.3. Meeting Minutes

 • 2021-01-06 business meeting - (draft submitted 2021-01-06) 
 • 2021-01-13 business meeting - (draft submitted 2021-01-13) 

1.4. Action item review (Cindy) - 5 mins (Public)


    • 2021-01-06: Cindy Morgan to schedule the ISOC BOT interviews.

  In Progress:

    • 2020-10-14: IAB to review the Temporary RFC Series Project Manager 
      contract / RFC Editor future development process. January 2021.

    • 2021-01-06: Jared Mauch to organize a side meeting on DDoS/attack 
      protection. Due April 2021.

    • 2021-01-06: Stephen Farrell, Ben Campbell, Cullen Jennings, Mirja 
      Kühlewind, and Jared Mauch to interview the ISOC BOT candidates.

    • 2021-01-13: Wes Hardaker to add characteristics of readable RFCs 
      (with examples) to (Deadline: 

2. Monthly Reports (Liaisons) - 5 mins (Public)

2.1. ISOC Liaison Report 

2.2. IRTF Chair Report

2.3. ICANN Liaison Report 

2.4. IANA Liaison Report

2.5. RFC Editor Liaison Report 

3. IAB Open Meeting at IETF 110 (Mirja) - <5 mins (Public)

  Goal: Find a co-chair for the IAB Open Meeting at IETF 110

4. Application-Aware Networking (Mirja) - 15 mins (Public)

  Goal: Is there a role for the IAB to do something in the application-
  network collaboration space?

5. ISOC Board of Trustees Appointments - 15 mins (Public)

  Goal: How to increase diversity in candidate pool

6. Next IAB meeting <5 minutes

  Goal: Does the IAB need to meet on 2021-01-27?