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Meeting Agenda Quantum Internet Research Group (qirg) RG
Date and time 2022-09-07 12:00
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Last updated 2022-08-08


Packet Switching in Quantum Networks: A Path to Quantum Internet


Large-scale quantum networks with thousands of nodes require scalable network
protocols and physical hardware to realize. In this presentation, we present
our work on packet switching as a new paradigm for quantum data transmission in
both future and near-term quantum networks. We propose a classical-quantum data
frame structure and explore methods of frame generation and processing.
Further, we present our conceptual designs for a quantum reconfigurable optical
add-drop multiplexer to realize the proposed transmission scheme. Packet
switching allows for a universal design for a next generation Internet where
classical and quantum data share the same network protocols and infrastructure.
In this new quantum networking paradigm, entanglement distribution, as with
quantum key distribution, is an application built on top of the quantum network
rather than as a network designed especially for those purposes. For analysis
of the network model, we simulate the feasibility of quantum packet switching
for some preliminary models of quantum key and entanglement distribution.
Finally, we explore how our model can be integrated with other network models
toward a realization of a quantum Internet.

**Speaker bio**:

Stephen DiAdamo is a research scientist at Cisco in the quantum research group
led by Alireza Shabani. He did his bachelor’s of computer science at the
University of Toronto and master’s of mathematics at the Technical University
of Munich in Germany. He continued with his PhD in electrical engineering at
the TU Munich in the group of Janis Nötzel, where he worked on developing
simulations and protocols for quantum networks and developing architectures for
distributed quantum computers. His current work involves architectures for
future quantum networks and application development and simulations of quantum