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Meeting Agenda Deterministic Networking (detnet) WG
Date and time 2023-07-19 12:00
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Last updated 2023-07-18

IETF Deterministic Networking (detnet) - Open Working Meeting
July 19, 2023 - 8a-10a (US Eastern Time Zone)
Draft (very draft-y) Agenda
MeetEcho Info:

Reminder - this is an open working meeting to facilitate progress on the
enhanced DetNet data plane. The initial focus is on queueing/scheduling
mechanisms in DetNet nodes.  No final decisions will be made in this meeting -
the working group mailing list is the decision forum/venue.

(0) Quick intro (including Note Well slide), agenda bashing

(1) Process-oriented topics - requirements, draft contents, evaluation, etc.
(30 minutes, could be longer)
        Discussion could include:
        - Separating queueing/scheduling mechanisms from on-the-wire
        information encoding. - Use of requirements draft to evaluate proposed
                (e.g., stability, test run with TSN queueing/scheduling
                mechanisms - slides expected)
        - Evaluation criteria beyond scope of requirements draft

(2) In-depth presentation of a queueing/scheduling mechanism (45-60 minutes)

        Presentation expected for this draft (~30 mins of presentation + Q&A):
        - draft-eckert-detnet-glbf-01 guaranteed Latency Based Forwarding (gLBF)

There will be opportunities in future open working meetings for additional
in-depth presentations.