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Meeting Agenda Internet Architecture Board (iab) IETF
Date and time 2023-06-07 14:00
Title (None)
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2023-06-02

1. Administrivia (Cindy) - <5 mins (Public)

1.1. Attendance

1.2. Agenda bash and announcements

1.3. Meeting Minutes

  • 2023-05-17 business meeting - (draft submitted 2023-05-17)
        OK from: Alvaro, Mirja

  • 2023-05-24 business meeting - (draft submitted 2023-05-24)
        OK from: Mirja

1.4. Action Item Review - 5 mins


  • 2023-05-24: Cindy Morgan to send an e-vote on the ICANN NomCom
    to the IAB Members who were not present during the roll call
    vote (Lars, Cullen, David, Chris).

On Hold:

  • 2021-11-17: Mirja Kühlewind and Cindy Morgan to put together
    some options for the IAB Website revamp for the IAB to review.
    (Work progressing in the background)

  • 2023-05-11: Suresh Krishnan et al to write a draft on limited
    domains. (Check back end of June 2023)

In Progress:

  • 2023-04-19: Mallory Knodel to try and schedule a technical
    discussion on censorship.

  • 2023-05-11: Dhruv Dhody to look at the last ~10 years of IAB
    Workshops and see if there were any concrete outputs.

  • 2023-05-11: Cullen Jennings, Karen O'Donoghue, and others to
    look into a possible IAB Program on identity management.

  • 2023-05-12: Suresh Krishnan and Alvaro Retana to refine a
    proposal for the E-Impact follow up. The intent is to then
    discuss with the  IESG about whether an IAB program or an OPS-
    focused BOF/WG is the best approach.

  • 2023-05-17: Mirja Kühlewind to follow up about possible
    technical plenary topics for IETF 117.

  • 2023-05-24: Mirja Kühlewind, Dhruv Dhody, and Alvaro Retana to
    come up with a list of meetings where the IAB/IETF might want
    to do some outreach.

  • 2023-05-24: Wes Hardaker to follow up with ICANN legal about
    conflicts of interest for the ICANN Nomcom Appointment.

1.5. IAB Document Status Update - 5 mins

      I-D Exists, Community Review (ends 2023-06-15)
      IAB Shepherd: Mirja Kühlewind

    • draft-arkko-iab-data-minimization-principle-04
      I-D Exists, IAB stream
      IAB Shepherd: Mirja Kühlewind

    • draft-iab-privacy-partitioning-01
      Active IAB Document
      IAB Shepherd: David Schinazi

    • draft-iab-ws-environmental-impacts-report-01
      Active IAB Document
      IAB Shepherd: Wes Hardaker

    • draft-iab-path-signals-collaboration-03
      Sent to the RFC Editor: Informational (AUTH48)
      IAB Shepherd: N/A

    • draft-iab-protocol-maintenance-12
      Sent to the RFC Editor: Informational (AUTH48)
      IAB Shepherd: Tommy Pauly

    • A Vision Statement for the Internet (Mallory, Mirja)

      Open action item:

      •  2022-07-24: Mallory Knodel and Mirja Kühlewind to draft a
         document outlining the architectural principles that the IAB
         thinks are important and need to be understood when
         considering Internet governance.

1.6. WG Chartering in Progress (Initial Charters Only) <5 mins


    • BPF/eBPF (BPF)
      External Review
      IESG Telechat: 2023-06-22
      IAB Reviewer: Dhruv Dhody

    • Congestion Control Working Group (CCWG)
      External Review
      IESG Telechat: 2023-06-22
      IAB Reviewer: Mallory Knodel (as CONGRESS)

    • Machine Learning for Audio Coding (MLCODEC)
      IESG Telechat: 2023-06-08
      IAB Reviewer: Jiankang Yao

2. Response to NIST "Addressing Visibility Challenges with TLS
   1.3" (Chris) - 10 mins (Public)


  Deadline: 2023-06-26

3. Identity Management Program (Cullen, Chris) - 10 mins (Public)

  Goal: Next steps for the proposed program


4. Update Outreach (Dhruv, Alvaro, Mirja) - 10 mins (Public)

  Goal: Update on outreach efforts

5. Topics for technical plenary (Mirja)  - 10 mins (Public)

  Goal: Discuss possible tech plenary topics for IETF 117 and beyond

6. Charter Review in datatracker (Dhruv)  - 5 mins (Public)

7. Renewing membership of EC Multistakeholder Platform on ICT
   Standardisation  - 5 mins (Public)

  Context: Email from Mat Ford on 2023-06-01

  Goal: Does the IAB want to apply for continued membership?

8. ICANN Nomcom Appointment (Cindy) <5 mins (Public)

  Goal: Document results of vote

9. Next IAB Meeting

  Goal: Does the IAB need to meet on 2023-06-14?