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Agenda interim-2024-moq-18: Wed 13:30

The information below is for an old version of the document.
Meeting Agenda Media Over QUIC (moq) WG Snapshot
Date and time 2024-10-02 13:30
Title Agenda interim-2024-moq-18: Wed 13:30
State Active
Other versions markdown
Last updated 2024-09-24


9:00 Doors Open

9:30 Administrivia (Chairs) - Blue Sheets, Logistics, Goals, Agenda Bash

9:45 Interop Readout (Mike English)

10:00 FETCH Use Cases - 30 minutes - Alan

10:30 short break (15 minutes)

10:45 FETCH Proposals, with clarifying questions (90 minutes) - Luke, Will, Suhas 30 min each

12:15 Lunch