Bluesheets IETF119: icnrg : Wed 03:00
Meeting Bluesheets | Information-Centric Networking (icnrg) RG | |
Date and time | 2024-03-20 03:00 | |
Title | Bluesheets IETF119: icnrg : Wed 03:00 | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2024-04-12 |
Bluesheet for IETF-119: icnrg Wed-0300 ======================================================================== 27 attendees. David Oran Network Systems Reserarch & Design & MIT Media Lab Dirk Kutscher HKUST Marc Mosko SRI/PARC Joerg Ott TUM Hitoshi Asaeda NICT Yun Chung Soongsil University Brad Peters NBNCo Ltd Alper Demir Adana Alparslan Turkes Science and Technology University Matthew Quick Verisign Yusaku Hayamizu NICT Shinta Sato JPRS Thien-Nam Dinh Sandia National Labs Mathis Engelbart Technical University of Munich Varun Patil UCLA Xinyu Ma Kotikalapudi Sriram USA NIST Colin Perkins University of Glasgow Manu Fontaine Hushmesh Inc. Saleem Bhatti University of St Andrews Hyunsik Yang Aijun Wang China Telecom Lixia Zhang UCLA Shiva Raj Deakin University Australia Giuseppe Fioccola Huawei Technologies Timothy Holborn Web Civics Saumya Dikshit Hewlett Packard Enterprise Boris Khasanov