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Secure Patterns for Internet CrEdentials (SPICE)

Document Type Approved BOF request
Title Secure Patterns for Internet CrEdentials (SPICE)
Last updated 2023-09-28
State Approved
Editors Leif Johansson , Heather Flanagan , Henk Birkholz , Michael Prorock , Brent Zundel
Responsible leadership
Additional resources GitHub Repository
Mailing List
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Name: Secure Patterns for Internet CrEdentials (SPICE)


Digital credentials are essential to identity, authorization, licenses, certificates and digitization use cases that are part of modernization efforts targeting efficiency, and transparency, such as digital licenses or certificates of origin.

At IETF 118, SPICE had a WG forming BOF, see the BoF Request:

There was energy in the room, but the details of the specific drafts and the charter were not clear enough.

Since IETF 118, the draft charter, and several individual drafts have been shared on the SPICE list:

Regular informal meetings have been held, open to everyone, with agenda's and minutes to the best of our ability.

We have developed a revised proposed charter that addresses the feedback we have gathered from IETF 118, and on the lists.

We believe the charter is nearing a state of universal support from active contributors, but we are still making refinements.

See the latest charter activity here:

Required Details

Information for IAB/IESG

To allow evaluation of your proposal, please include the following items:


Problem Statement (30 min)

  • Problem Area and Introduction to Digital Credentials
  • Known Use Cases
  • How is SPICE related to other IETF Work

Scope and Proposed Work Items (45 min)

  • Architecture
  • Selective Disclosure
  • Metadata Discovery

Discussion (45 min)

  • Is the IETF the right place to do this work?
  • Which organizations and SDOs need to be involved/collaborated with?
  • What are the expected technical challenges?
  • Is there interest in implementing such specifications?
  • Is the technology likely to get deployed?
  • Is there enough interest in helping with the work (spec editing, reviewing, implementing, deploying)?