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Digital Identity Exchange Protocol

Document Charter Digital Identity Exchange Protocol WG (dix)
Title Digital Identity Exchange Protocol
Last updated 2006-05-12
State Approved
WG State Concluded
IESG Responsible AD (None)
Charter edit AD (None)
Send notices to (None)

  1. To consider the creation of a new IETF working group within the
    Applications Area titled "Digital Identity Exchange". The proposed
    charter for such a working group is attached, named 'draft-merrells-

  2. To discuss and hone the scope of a DIX working group.

  3. To discuss the architectural requirements that derive from the laws
    of identity identified by 'The Identity Gang' at 'The Berkman Center
    for Internet & Society, Harvard Law School'.

  4. To discuss existing architectural implementations within the
    context of these requirements. An individual submission Internet Draft
    that describes one such implementation is attached, names 'draft-

  5. To determine if there is enough interest and commitment to form a
    Working Group and if so to then discuss what the specific goals and
    milestones of that working group would be.