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Reliable and Available Wireless

Document Charter Reliable and Available Wireless WG (raw)
Title Reliable and Available Wireless
Last updated 2021-03-10
State Approved
WG State Concluded
IESG Responsible AD John Scudder
Charter edit AD John Scudder
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Reliable and Available Wireless (RAW) provides for high reliability and availability for IP connectivity over a wireless medium. The wireless medium presents significant challenges to achieve deterministic properties such as low packet error rate, bounded consecutive losses, and bounded latency. RAW extends the DetNet Working Group concepts to provide for high reliability and availability for an IP network utilizing scheduled wireless segments and other media, e.g., frequency/time-sharing physical media resources with stochastic traffic: IEEE Std. 802.15.4 timeslotted channel hopping (TSCH), 3GPP 5G ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC), IEEE 802.11ax/be, and L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS), etc. Similar to DetNet, RAW will stay abstract to the radio layers underneath, addressing the Layer 3 aspects in support of applications requiring high reliability and availability.

While DetNet solutions apply to both wireless and wired, there has been recent industry interest for wireless applications which were not initially included in the DetNet use cases. One critical application is Aeronautical Data Communications. The Aeronautical standards work on a physical layer and data link layer for data communications is reaching maturity and there is significant interest in developing an IP connectivity solution.

In the interests of providing timely solutions for these newly identified industry applications, RAW’s focus will be on identifying use cases and requirements for these new applications. RAW will solicit input on deployment plans, requirements, and operational practices (including security and privacy aspects) for these newer industrial applications. RAW’s primary focus is on identifying areas where the DetNet adaptation to wireless networks requires additional supporting mechanisms. The RAW Working Group will also examine the applicability of other existing IETF work, e.g., DLEP. The RAW Working Group will provide input to the DetNet Working Group, MANET Working Group, and other IETF Working Groups, and cooperate in reviewing solutions to RAW’s identified deployment problems. RAW is not chartered to work on a solution, if solution work is needed in addition to the DetNet solution work or other existing solution work in the IETF, it will be coordinated on where the work will be done. In the event that RAW is chosen for the work, the Working Group will recharter.

The RAW Working Group is planned to be a short timeframe (12-18 months) Working Group to quickly address these newer industry applications. The initial milestones will be comprised of Informational documents: Use Cases, Requirements, Architecture/Framework Aspects for a Wireless Network, and an Evaluation of Existing IETF Tools and Gap Analysis. The documents may exist individually or on a git repository. The Use Case document may consist of one or more documents to allow users/operators the opportunity to provide comprehensive deployment plans for these new (to IETF) technologies. The group will closely coordinate with the DetNet and MANET Working Groups. The work produced by this group may be of interest to other SDOs, 3GPP, IEEE, and the Aeronautical industry. No formal co-ordination is anticipated with these other groups at this time.