Structured Email
Revision differences
Document history
Date | Rev. | By | Action |
01 | Cindy Morgan | New version available: charter-ietf-sml-01.txt |
00-04 | Cindy Morgan | State changed to Approved from External Review (Message to Community, Selected by Secretariat) |
00-04 | Cindy Morgan | IESG has approved the charter |
00-04 | Cindy Morgan | Closed "Approve" ballot |
00-04 | Cindy Morgan | WG action text was changed |
00-04 | Cindy Morgan | WG action text was changed |
00-04 | Éric Vyncke | [Ballot comment] Thanks for addressing my previous blocking concerns. |
00-04 | Éric Vyncke | [Ballot Position Update] Position for Éric Vyncke has been changed to No Objection from Block |
00-04 | Murray Kucherawy | New version available: charter-ietf-sml-00-04.txt |
00-03 | Murray Kucherawy | New version available: charter-ietf-sml-00-03.txt |
00-02 | Éric Vyncke | [Ballot block] Sorry to insist on my previous BLOCK ballot... but the charter says: "The Structured Email (SML) working group will develop specifications for annotating … [Ballot block] Sorry to insist on my previous BLOCK ballot... but the charter says: "The Structured Email (SML) working group will develop specifications for annotating human-readable email content with a machine-readable version, to allow for more reliable and accurate content analysis and processing." I.e., a single document about the specification (adding "standard track" would be nice BTW), but the milestones also contain a document about security and trust. Please, update the charter itself to clearly add this work item and not only under "the working group needs to discuss". |
00-02 | Éric Vyncke | Ballot discuss text updated for Éric Vyncke |
00-02 | Murray Kucherawy | Added charter milestone "Submit use case document to illustrate potential applications of this work to the IESG (Informational)", due June 2024 |
00-02 | Murray Kucherawy | Changed charter milestone "Submit document document discussing and recommending security and trust mechanisms that should be applied when processing machine-readable content in email messages to … Changed charter milestone "Submit document document discussing and recommending security and trust mechanisms that should be applied when processing machine-readable content in email messages to the IESG", set description to "Submit document document discussing and recommending security and trust mechanisms that should be applied when processing machine-readable content in email messages to the IESG (Proposed Standard)" |
00-02 | Murray Kucherawy | Changed charter milestone "Submit document that specifies core conventions on how machine-readable content should be included in email messages and how email clients and servers … Changed charter milestone "Submit document that specifies core conventions on how machine-readable content should be included in email messages and how email clients and servers should interact in their processing to the IESG", set description to "Submit document that specifies core conventions on how machine-readable content should be included in email messages and how email clients and servers should interact in their processing to the IESG (Proposed Standard)" |
00-02 | Andrew Alston | [Ballot comment] While I don't believe there is sufficient to object to the charter, I do feel we need to say more in this charter … [Ballot comment] While I don't believe there is sufficient to object to the charter, I do feel we need to say more in this charter regarding security. Reading this document, I will be frank that it left me with a very uneasy feeling that we were creating a more efficient way to automate spam - and I think more explicit text regarding work to prevent abuse on this would be welcomed. |
00-02 | Andrew Alston | Ballot comment text updated for Andrew Alston |
00-02 | Andrew Alston | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Andrew Alston |
00-02 | Roman Danyliw | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Roman Danyliw |
00-02 | Francesca Palombini | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Francesca Palombini |
00-02 | Zaheduzzaman Sarker | [Ballot comment] Same point that Eric V brought up. |
00-02 | Zaheduzzaman Sarker | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Zaheduzzaman Sarker |
00-02 | Paul Wouters | [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Paul Wouters |
00-02 | John Scudder | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for John Scudder |
00-02 | Lars Eggert | [Ballot comment] Agree with Éric. |
00-02 | Lars Eggert | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Lars Eggert |
00-02 | Jim Guichard | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Jim Guichard |
00-02 | Éric Vyncke | [Ballot block] Sorry, but this should be trivial to fix. Neither the charter (preferred) not the milestones indicate the intended status of the documents. |
00-02 | Éric Vyncke | [Ballot Position Update] New position, Block, has been recorded for Éric Vyncke |
00-02 | Murray Kucherawy | [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Murray Kucherawy |
00-02 | Erik Kline | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Erik Kline |
00-02 | Cindy Morgan | Telechat date has been changed to 2023-10-05 from 2023-09-21 |
00-02 | Cindy Morgan | Created "Approve" ballot |
00-02 | Cindy Morgan | Closed "Ready for external review" ballot |
00-02 | Cindy Morgan | State changed to External Review (Message to Community, Selected by Secretariat) from Start Chartering/Rechartering (Internal Steering Group/IAB Review) |
00-02 | Cindy Morgan | WG new work message text was changed |
00-02 | Cindy Morgan | WG review text was changed |
00-02 | Cindy Morgan | WG review text was changed |
00-02 | Cindy Morgan | WG review text was changed |
00-02 | Robert Wilton | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Robert Wilton |
00-02 | Francesca Palombini | [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Francesca Palombini |
00-02 | Erik Kline | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Erik Kline |
00-02 | Paul Wouters | [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Paul Wouters |
00-02 | John Scudder | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for John Scudder |
00-02 | Roman Danyliw | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Roman Danyliw |
00-02 | Jim Guichard | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Jim Guichard |
00-02 | Zaheduzzaman Sarker | [Ballot comment] Looks good to me. However, may be we should specify how we are planning to coordinate with w3c and specially with M3AAWG. |
00-02 | Zaheduzzaman Sarker | [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Zaheduzzaman Sarker |
00-02 | Martin Duke | [Ballot Position Update] New position, No Objection, has been recorded for Martin Duke |
00-02 | Cindy Morgan | Placed on agenda for telechat - 2023-09-21 |
00-02 | Murray Kucherawy | [Ballot Position Update] New position, Yes, has been recorded for Murray Kucherawy |
00-02 | Murray Kucherawy | WG action text was changed |
00-02 | Murray Kucherawy | WG review text was changed |
00-02 | Murray Kucherawy | WG review text was changed |
00-02 | Murray Kucherawy | Created "Ready for external review" ballot |
00-02 | Murray Kucherawy | State changed to Start Chartering/Rechartering (Internal Steering Group/IAB Review) from Draft Charter |
00-02 | Murray Kucherawy | New version available: charter-ietf-sml-00-02.txt |
00-01 | Murray Kucherawy | Added charter milestone "Submit document document discussing and recommending security and trust mechanisms that should be applied when processing machine-readable content in email messages to … Added charter milestone "Submit document document discussing and recommending security and trust mechanisms that should be applied when processing machine-readable content in email messages to the IESG", due June 2024 |
00-01 | Murray Kucherawy | Added charter milestone "Submit document that specifies core conventions on how machine-readable content should be included in email messages and how email clients and servers … Added charter milestone "Submit document that specifies core conventions on how machine-readable content should be included in email messages and how email clients and servers should interact in their processing to the IESG", due June 2024 |
00-01 | Murray Kucherawy | Added charter milestone "WG adoption of a document discussing and recommending security and trust mechanisms that should be applied when processing machine-readable content in email … Added charter milestone "WG adoption of a document discussing and recommending security and trust mechanisms that should be applied when processing machine-readable content in email messages", due November 2023 |
00-01 | Murray Kucherawy | Added charter milestone "WG adoption of a document that specifies core conventions on how machine-readable content should be included in email messages and how email … Added charter milestone "WG adoption of a document that specifies core conventions on how machine-readable content should be included in email messages and how email clients and servers should interact in their processing", due November 2023 |
00-01 | Murray Kucherawy | Added charter milestone "WG adoption of a use case document to illustrate potential applications of this work", due November 2023 |
00-01 | Murray Kucherawy | New version available: charter-ietf-sml-00-01.txt |
00-00 | Murray Kucherawy | State changed to Draft Charter from Not currently under review |
00-00 | Murray Kucherawy | Responsible AD changed to Murray Kucherawy |
00-00 | Murray Kucherawy | New version available: charter-ietf-sml-00-00.txt |