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IETF conflict review for draft-briscoe-docsis-q-protection


No Objection

Erik Kline
Roman Danyliw
Zaheduzzaman Sarker
(Alvaro Retana)
(Lars Eggert)

Note: This ballot was opened for revision 00 and is now closed.

Ballot question: "Is this the correct conflict review response?"

Erik Kline
No Objection
Roman Danyliw
No Objection
Zaheduzzaman Sarker
No Objection
Martin Duke Former IESG member
Yes (2022-04-08) Sent
This document is adjacent to the L4S work in TSVWG.

One nit:
In (1.2), a definition refers to "marking all the packet's bytes." I'm not sure what the authors mean; perhaps s/bytes/ECN bits?

Reviewing the pseudocode in detail was not necessary for the conflict review, and I did not do so.
Alvaro Retana Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection () Not sent

Lars Eggert Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection () Not sent