IETF conflict review for draft-briscoe-docsis-q-protection
No Objection
Erik Kline
Roman Danyliw
Zaheduzzaman Sarker
(Alvaro Retana)
(Lars Eggert)
Note: This ballot was opened for revision 00 and is now closed.
Ballot question: "Is this the correct conflict review response?"
Erik Kline
No Objection
Roman Danyliw
No Objection
Zaheduzzaman Sarker
No Objection
Martin Duke Former IESG member
This document is adjacent to the L4S work in TSVWG. One nit: In (1.2), a definition refers to "marking all the packet's bytes." I'm not sure what the authors mean; perhaps s/bytes/ECN bits? Reviewing the pseudocode in detail was not necessary for the conflict review, and I did not do so.
Alvaro Retana Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
Not sent
Lars Eggert Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
Not sent