%% You should probably cite draft-amend-tsvwg-dccp-udp-header-conversion-01 instead of this revision. @techreport{amend-tsvwg-dccp-udp-header-conversion-00, number = {draft-amend-tsvwg-dccp-udp-header-conversion-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-amend-tsvwg-dccp-udp-header-conversion/00/}, author = {Markus Amend and Anna Brunstrom and Andreas Kassler and Veselin Rakocevic}, title = {{Lossless and overhead free DCCP - UDP header conversion (U-DCCP)}}, pagetotal = 11, year = 2019, month = mar, day = 11, abstract = {The Datagram Congestion Control protocol (DCCP) is a non-widely deployed transport protocol in the Internet. The reason for that is a typical chicken-egg problem. Even if there would be a use for application developer to rely on DCCP, middle-boxes like firewalls and NATs will prevent DCCP end-to-end since they lack support for DCCP. However, as long as the protocol penetration of DCCP will not increase, middle-boxes will not handle DCCP properly. To overcome this challenge NAT/NATP traversal and UDP encapsulation for DCCP is already defined. However the first requires special middle-box support and the latter introduces overhead. The proposal of a multipath extension for DCCP further stresses the question of efficient middle-box passing as its main goal is to be applied over the Internet, traversing numerous uncontrolled middle-boxes. This document introduces a new approach, disguising DCCP during transmission as UDP without requiring middle-box modification nor introducing any overhead.}, }