%% You should probably cite draft-balaji-l2vpn-lawful-intercept-thru-label-dis-01 instead of this revision. @techreport{balaji-l2vpn-lawful-intercept-thru-label-dis-00, number = {draft-balaji-l2vpn-lawful-intercept-thru-label-dis-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-balaji-l2vpn-lawful-intercept-thru-label-dis/00/}, author = {Shankar Raman and Balaji Venkat Venkataswami and Gaurav Raina and Bhargav Bhikkaji}, title = {{Label-based Provider-Provisioned Lawful Intercept for L2 VPNs}}, pagetotal = 10, year = 2012, month = jul, day = 30, abstract = {In models of Single-AS and inter-provider Multi- Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) based Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) Lawful Intercept is a key requirement. For example, MPLS-based Layer 2 VPN models like VPLS and the like do not have any provider provisioned methods of lawful intercept that are comprehensive, quick and easy to provision from one single point. More particularly the auto- provisioning of lawful intercept for all sets of streams travelling between VPN sites and consequent re-direction of these streams to the appropriate government network has not been covered without multiple instances of having to configure the intercept at various points in the network both in the Single-AS case and the Inter-Provider VPN case. In this paper, we propose a technique which uses a set of pre-defined labels called Lawful Intercept labels and a method for provisioning lawful intercept amongst the various PE devices using these labels both in the Single-AS and the inter-provider VPN cases. A single point of configuration is the key to this idea. The intercepted traffic is mirrored on a PE or a whole set of PEs or on all the PEs participating in the VPN. A technique called the Domino-effect provisioning of these Label-based Provider Provisioned Lawful Intercept mechanism is also outlined.}, }