@techreport{bernstein-ccamp-wson-compatibility-01, number = {draft-bernstein-ccamp-wson-compatibility-01}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-bernstein-ccamp-wson-compatibility/01/}, author = {Greg M. Bernstein and Young Lee and Ben MackCrane}, title = {{WSON Signal Characteristics and Network Element Compatibility Constraints for GMPLS}}, pagetotal = 21, year = 2009, month = oct, day = 7, abstract = {While the current GMPLS WSON framework can deal with many types of wavelength switching systems there is a desire to extend the control plane to networks that include a combination of transparent optical and hybrid electro optical systems such as OEO switches, regenerators, and wavelength converters. Such networks are frequently referred to as translucent optical networks in the literature. Some of the systems use in such networks can be limited to processing WSON signals with specific characteristics or attributes. In addition, some of the network elements may be able to perform important optional processing functions such as regeneration on a signal and would need to be provisioned as part of optical path establishment. This document provides a WSON signal definition and attributes characterization based on ITU-T interface and signal class standards and describes the signal compatibility constraints of this extended set of network elements. The signal characterization, network element compatibility constraints and enhanced provisioning support enable GMPLS routing and signaling to control these devices and PCE to compute optical light-paths subject to signal compatibility attributes.}, }