@techreport{bgp-softwire-map-prefix-communities-00, number = {draft-bgp-softwire-map-prefix-communities-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-bgp-softwire-map-prefix-communities/00/}, author = {Moshiko Nayman and Avinash Reddy Lingala}, title = {{Dynamic Softwire Configuration of MAP-T and MAP-E Prefix Parameters via BGP}}, pagetotal = 7, year = 2024, month = aug, day = 16, abstract = {This document proposes an OPTIONAL extension to the current MAP-T (Mapping of Address and Port using Translation) {[}RFC7599{]} and MAP-E (Mapping of Address and Port with Encapsulation) {[}RFC7597{]} configuration mechanisms. It allows for dynamically learned and programmed MAP-T or MAP-E prefix value parameters via BGP-learned prefixes marked with extended community attributes, enabling a more flexible and scalable approach compared to static configuration.}, }