%% You should probably cite draft-boucadair-softwire-stateless-requirements instead of this I-D. @techreport{boucadair-softwire-stateless-rfc6052-update-00, number = {draft-boucadair-softwire-stateless-rfc6052-update-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-boucadair-softwire-stateless-rfc6052-update/00/}, author = {Nejc Skoberne and Xing Li and Congxiao Bao}, title = {{Embedding Port Information in IPv4-Translatable IPv6 Prefixes and IPv4- Embedded IPv6 Addresses}}, pagetotal = 10, year = 2011, month = sep, day = 7, abstract = {RFC6052 specifies the algorithmic translation of an IPv6 address to a corresponding IPv4 address, and vice versa. In particular, RFC6052 specifies the address format to build IPv4-converted and IPv4- translatable IPv6 addresses. In order to be deployed in the context of stateless 4/6 solutions, RFC6052 should be updated so that IPv4- embedded IPv6 addresses convey the port information. This document identifies a set of requirements to be taken into account when updating RFC6052 for that purpose. A companion effort, document at {[}I-D.bsd-softwire-stateless-port-index-analysis{]}, is required to converge on one or a set of algorithms to be used by all stateless solutions.}, }