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Computing Aware Traffic Steering Use Cases of Mobile User Plane using Segment Routing

Document Type Replaced Internet-Draft (individual)
Expired & archived
Authors Phung Ha Duong , Trần Minh Ngọc , Younghan Kim
Last updated 2023-10-20
Replaced by draft-dcn-dmm-cats-mup
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Consensus boilerplate Unknown
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IESG IESG state Replaced by draft-dcn-dmm-cats-mup
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This Internet-Draft is no longer active. A copy of the expired Internet-Draft is available in these formats:


5G support new emerging high reliability and low-latency services by Mobile Edge Computing. Multiple instances of the same service can be deployed over different edge sites to enable high availability, scalability and better response time. However, due to different computing loads and network resources overtime, a specific edge site might not always guarantee service quality. Routing user traffic to an overloaded edge site can significantly affect user service experiences. Current 5G mobile network does not have a method to dynamically steer traffic to an optimal service instance based on network status and edge sites' computing resources availability. This document describes solutions to provide computing-aware traffic steering methods for the 5G mobile user plane using Segment Routing. The solution explains how to use Segment Routing to deliver mobile user traffic dynamically to the best edge site destination based on both computing and networking resource information in the mobile user plane.


Phung Ha Duong
Trần Minh Ngọc
Younghan Kim

(Note: The e-mail addresses provided for the authors of this Internet-Draft may no longer be valid.)