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ProxyMIP Extension for Inter-MAG Route Optimization

Document Type Expired Internet-Draft (individual)
Expired & archived
Authors Subir Das , Henning Schulzrinne , Ashutosh Dutta , Tsunehiko Chiba , Hidetoshi Yokota
Last updated 2009-10-19
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This Internet-Draft is no longer active. A copy of the expired Internet-Draft is available in these formats:


This draft describes a light weight route optimization technique that helps to optimize the media path between two communicating nodes when Proxy MIP is used as the mobility protocol. This routing optimization technique is most useful when the two communicating hosts are away from home and need to communicate with each other using an optimized path. It takes advantage of the data packet between LMA and MAG to set up the optimized data path between the communicating hosts. This route optimization technique is applicable to both the intra-LMA and inter-LMA scenarios.


Subir Das
Henning Schulzrinne
Ashutosh Dutta
Tsunehiko Chiba
Hidetoshi Yokota

(Note: The e-mail addresses provided for the authors of this Internet-Draft may no longer be valid.)