@techreport{erblich-ospf-nbr-rexmit-robust-enhance-00, number = {draft-erblich-ospf-nbr-rexmit-robust-enhance-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-erblich-ospf-nbr-rexmit-robust-enhance/00/}, author = {Mitchell Erblich}, title = {{Robust Enhancement to the Neighbor's Retransmission List when one or more LSA Checksum and length are in Error}}, pagetotal = 0, year = 2005, month = jan, day = 5, abstract = {The ability to process LSAs within a Update packet requires that the length field be correct to generate the next offset within the packet. During the rare times that a checksum error and length LSA fields are incorrect, the beginning of later LSAs header's can't be determined. This draft specifies a transparent method to allow all valid LSAs to be processed even when these corrupted LSAs exist on the neighbor's retransmission list.}, }