@techreport{floroiu-u2u-ake-00, number = {draft-floroiu-u2u-ake-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-floroiu-u2u-ake/00/}, author = {John Floroiu}, title = {{An User-to-User Authenticated Key Exchange Mechanism Based on the UMTS Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA)}}, pagetotal = 5, year = 2004, month = oct, day = 18, abstract = {The present draft describes an user-to-user (u2u) authenticated key exchange mechanism based on the UMTS AKA mechanism {[}1{]}. The proposed scheme is based on the generation of security tokens (in fact encrypted public Diffie-Hellman keys) by the peer's operator. Such a security token along with credential information contained within the peer's AKA Authentication Vector (AV) enables two communicating peers to securely derive a shared key.}, }