@techreport{francis-prepaid-00, number = {draft-francis-prepaid-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-francis-prepaid/00/}, author = {Paul Francis and James Brandt and Bryan Gleeson}, title = {{Design Issues for Prepaid Data Service }}, pagetotal = 26, year = 2002, month = jun, day = 26, abstract = {Prepaid voice services have proven to be extremely successful. There is a desire to replicate this success for data services. Prepaid for data presents new technical challenges, primarily due to the wide range of billing that may be applied to data services--- volume or time billing, differential billing by type of application (gaming, steaming, browsing, voice), billing by destination, and even billing of specific content. Furthermore, a single data prepaid service may need to accomodate simultaneous network access by multiple devices (phone, laptop, PDA). This paper discusses design issues for a protocol between a prepaid application and the data network element. It defines an architecture and terminology. It describes basic characteristics of data prepaid service, as well as some advanced features. It analyzes the main technical issues, especially performance issues. Finally, this paper describes the semantics of an illustrative prepaid data service protocol. This document does not, however, specify such a protocol.}, }