@techreport{fu-cats-oam-fw-01, number = {draft-fu-cats-oam-fw-01}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-fu-cats-oam-fw/01/}, author = {付华楷 and Bo Liu and Zhenqiang Li and Daniel Huang and Cheng Huang and Liwei Ma and Wei Duan}, title = {{Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) for Computing-Aware Traffic Steering}}, pagetotal = 14, year = 2024, month = aug, day = 29, abstract = {This document describes an OAM framework for Computing-Aware Traffic Steering (CATS). The proposed OAM framework enables the fault and the performance management of end-to-end connections from clients to networks and finally to computing instances. In the following sections, the major components of the framework, the functionalities, and the deployment considerations are elaborated in detail.}, }