The Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM)
Revision differences
Document history
Date | Rev. | By | Action |
04 | Amy Vezza | State Changes to RFC Ed Queue from Approved-announcement sent by Amy Vezza |
04 | Amy Vezza | IESG state changed to Approved-announcement sent |
04 | Amy Vezza | IESG has approved the document |
04 | (System) | Last call text was added |
04 | (System) | Ballot approval text was added |
04 | Amy Vezza | Removed from agenda for telechat - 2003-10-30 by Amy Vezza |
04 | Amy Vezza | State Changes to Approved-announcement to be sent from IESG Evaluation by Amy Vezza |
04 | Amy Vezza | Placed on agenda for telechat - 2003-10-30 by Amy Vezza |
04 | Amy Vezza | Removed from agenda for telechat - 2003-10-16 by Amy Vezza |
04 | Alex Zinin | State Changes to IESG Evaluation from IESG Evaluation::Revised ID Needed by Alex Zinin |
04 | Alex Zinin | rev -04 should address comments from the IESG. back to agenda. |
04 | Alex Zinin | Placed on agenda for telechat - 2003-10-16 by Alex Zinin |
04 | (System) | New version available: draft-gill-gtsh-04.txt |
03 | (System) | New version available: draft-gill-gtsh-03.txt |
02 | (System) | New version available: draft-gill-gtsh-02.txt |
04 | Amy Vezza | Removed from agenda for telechat - 2003-10-02 by Amy Vezza |
04 | Amy Vezza | State Changes to IESG Evaluation::Revised ID Needed from IESG Evaluation by Amy Vezza |
04 | Alex Zinin | IESG-review comments: ==> the document cites IPv6 Neighbor Discovery as one applier of this kind of methodology, but the text in the spec is awfully … IESG-review comments: ==> the document cites IPv6 Neighbor Discovery as one applier of this kind of methodology, but the text in the spec is awfully IPv4-centric. With minor rewording ("TTL" to cover for Hop Limit as well), we could have nice and neat IPv6 spec out of this. ==> should one add a disclaimer somewhere that GTSM is not directly applicable to protocols employing flooding mechanisms, e.g., where packets are multicast or broadcast. Applying it would require that every implementation would have a special check to disable the propagation of these special TTL-255 packets. Since the vast majority of our peerings are between adjacent routers, we can set the TTL on the protocol packets to 255 (the maximum possible for IP) and then reject any protocol packets that come in from configured peers which do NOT have a TTL in the range 255-254. That is, the receive TTL is expected to be within a small range of 1 or 2 (254-255). The actual value depends upon the architecture, but is it is expected that the receiver will verify the range. ==> I'd like to hear more of this "254-255". Is there really a significant faction with 254 (because 255 is prevalent -- and IPv6 neighbor discovery, for example, wouldn't work at all with such architectures!)?? It seems like that we should fix those architectures instead (or make them have an emulation layer or what have you). (a). For directly connected routers, o Set the TCP TTL for the protocol connection a value in the range 255-254. ==> one should maybe clarify here that you're talking about _outbound_ TTL. The receive-side checks are described below.. tuple. The TTL must either be in the range 255-254 (directly connected peer), or 255-(configured-range-of-hops) for a multi-hop peer. We specify a range here ==> the "255-(configured-range-of-hops)" should actually probably be "255-(255-configured-range-of-hops)" but that would be even more confusing :-) 3.1.1. Intra-domain Protocol Handling In general, GTSM is not used for intra-domain protocol peers or adjacencies. Current best practice is to protect such peers or adjacencies with an MD5 signature [RFC2385]. The special case of iBGP peers can be further protected by filtering at the network edge for any packet that has a source address of one of the loopbacks addresses used for the intra-domain peering. ==> the whole point of GSTM was to avoid the cost of MD5 signature, so I'd reorder and reword this slightly, like: In general, GTSM is not used for intra-domain protocol peers or adjacencies. The special case of iBGP peers can be protected by filtering at the network edge for any packet that has a source address of one of the loopback addresses used for the intra-domain peering. In addition, the current best practice is to further protect such peers or adjacencies with an MD5 signature [RFC2385]. (as an operational aside, I fail to see why you'd just restrict filtering out the loopback at your edge. we certainly filter out everything with a wrong IP source address....) For example, consider the class of attacks based on forged SYN packets directed to port 179/tcp on a large core infrastructure routers. In this case, the routers respond with SYN/ACKs (or ICMP messages) towards the victim, resulting in flooding of the victim's link being flooded with SYN/ACK or ICMP traffic. Preventing such attacks will likely require that protocol speakers send SYN/ACKs only to configured neighbors, and they never send ICMP messages related to these events. ==> I fail to see how this is specific to GSTM (or even closely relates to it). 1) the core routers can't protect against such SYN reflections except with TTL hack, rate-limiters, or access lists which only work to an extent; 2) the victims can do the same. purely editorial ---------------- This document is a product of an individual. Comments are solicited and should be addressed to the author(s). ==> looks like it's one individual in three different bodies.. the router-based infrastructure (.e.g., BGP [RFC1771]) from a wide ==> s/.e/e/ o Set the TCP TTL for the protocol connection a value in the range 255-254. ==> "TCP TTL"?? the last time I checked, it was still IP ;-) (c). If the TTL is not in the range 255-254 (or ==> this should be (b). TTL value to be 255-(configured-range-of-acceptable-of-hops). While ==> s/of-hops/hops/, or s/acceptable-of-// for consistency TTL value to be 255-(configured-range-of-acceptable-of-hops). While this approach provides a qualitatively lower degree of security for the protocol implementing GTSM (i.e., an DoS attack could be theoretically be launched by compromising some box in the path). ==> s/While this/This/ (the sentence does not continue). ==> s/ by/ by/ |
04 | Alex Zinin | IESG-review comments: Ops Directorate Reviewer: High-order bit: good stuff. It's not clear whether the hack is intended just to protect routing control information, or also … IESG-review comments: Ops Directorate Reviewer: High-order bit: good stuff. It's not clear whether the hack is intended just to protect routing control information, or also to provide a cheap way to filter out floods targetting routers. The text is written mostly with regard to the first, but the second seems like a significant win, too; except it would then be good to have some discussion of the fact that the hack isn't applicable to some of the other ports a router may need to listen on, such as SSH (unless it has OOB control access), so there's still a flooding vector. The document doesn't make it clear how GTSM is negotiated. I assume that this is because it *isn't* negotiated, but instead is explicitly configured in. Worth mentioning. Might also discuss how to rapidly detect possible configuration mismatches - if, say, the first packet reply received during the establishment of a peering session arrives with a TTL that's too low, then there's very likely a configuration mismatch. Hmmm, I'm not sure what's the right thing to do in this case, probably alert it specially and indeed refuse to establish the peering session, as otherwise there will be a race condition that can be used to try to subvert the mechanism. > the victim protocol speaker decrements TTL properly (clearly, if the > either the path or the adjacent peer is compromised, then there are typo, if the -> if > (c). If the TTL is not in the range 255-254 (or > 255-(configured-range-of-hops) for multi-hop > peers), the packet is placed into a low priority > queue, and subsequently logged and/or silently > discarded. Might emphasize: it is *not* processed. The "and/or" makes it not clear whether it might be logged but still processed, which of course would defeat the whole purpose. > 3.1.1. Intra-domain Protocol Handling > > > In general, GTSM is not used for intra-domain protocol peers or > adjacencies. Current best practice is to protect such peers or > adjacencies with an MD5 signature [RFC2385]. The special case of iBGP > peers can be further protected by filtering at the network edge for > any packet that has a source address of one of the loopbacks > addresses used for the intra-domain peering. I didn't get this. It seems it's applicable to any protocol for which there's a notion of IP-level adjaceny. > directed to port 179/tcp on a large core infrastructure routers. In a large -> large > this case, the routers respond with SYN/ACKs (or ICMP messages) > towards the victim, resulting in flooding of the victim's link being > flooded with SYN/ACK or ICMP traffic. I didn't get this. If the core routers are using GTSM, then they won't honor the incoming SYNs, and hence won't respond with SYN/ACKs or ICMPs, right? (Also, "in flooding ... being flooded" is awkwardly phrased.) > [BALDWIN2001] I can't resolve Given that this is the sole citation for "TTL spoofing is thought to be basically impossible", it's worth fixing this. |
04 | Alex Zinin | Placed on agenda for telechat - 2003-10-02 by Alex Zinin |
04 | Alex Zinin | State Changes to IESG Evaluation from AD Evaluation::Revised ID Needed by Alex Zinin |
04 | Alex Zinin | Ready for IESG. Putting on the agenda. |
01 | (System) | New version available: draft-gill-gtsh-01.txt |
04 | Alex Zinin | State Changes to AD Evaluation::Revised ID Needed from AD Evaluation::External Party by Alex Zinin |
04 | Alex Zinin | LC ended. Received several supportive comments (on rtg-area list, rtg-dir, and privately), no negative. Believe that the idea is useful. Will take to the IESG … LC ended. Received several supportive comments (on rtg-area list, rtg-dir, and privately), no negative. Believe that the idea is useful. Will take to the IESG when the AD-review comments are addressed: I do not have any major comments on it, some minor ones below: 1. BTSH reference in Abstract. The abstract refers to BTSH. You may want to consider making it BTSH-agnostic, since the reader will not have any document to refer to when the BTSH draft expires. 2. Section 3.1.1 "Intra-domain Protocol Handling" The section reads as BGP-specific. I.e., it should be possible to use the TTL method to protect, say, OSPF single-hop adjacencies. 3. Prior art You may want to point out that the TTL method has been used in other protocols, and point to IPv6 ND [RFC2461], for example. |
04 | Alex Zinin | State Change Notice email list have been change to David Meyer , Vijay Gill , from |
04 | Alex Zinin | State Changes to AD Evaluation::External Party from AD Evaluation by Alex Zinin |
04 | Alex Zinin | Started a LC on the RTG area mailing list. The LC ends Sep 12th. |
04 | Alex Zinin | State Changes to AD Evaluation from Publication Requested by Alex Zinin |
04 | Alex Zinin | Alex will take this one through the IETF process |
04 | Alex Zinin | Draft Added by Alex Zinin |
00 | (System) | New version available: draft-gill-gtsh-00.txt |