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YANG Data Model for Value Added Service (VAS)

The information below is for an old version of the document.
Document Type
This is an older version of an Internet-Draft whose latest revision state is "Expired".
Authors Gu Rong , Chen Li , Yan Zhuang , Zitao Wang
Last updated 2015-10-19
RFC stream (None)
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Consensus boilerplate Unknown
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L3SM Working Group                                                 R. Gu
Internet-Draft                                                     C. Li
Intended status: Standards Track                            China Mobile
Expires: April 18, 2016                                        Y. Zhuang
                                                                 Z. Wang
                                                        October 16, 2015

             YANG Data Model for Value Added Service (VAS)


   L3SM defines a YANG data model for L3VPN service model that can be
   used to configure and manage L3VPN network.  This document discusses
   generic VAS model that can be applied to L3VPN network and other
   Cloud VPN networks.  The YANG model provides common structure for
   various VAS service components.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 18, 2016.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must

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Internet-Draft              VAS Service Model               October 2015

   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Conventions and Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.1.  Terminologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Value Added Service (VAS) service model . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Service data model usage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Design of the Data Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.1.  VAS service overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.1.1.  Service component type  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.1.2.  The VAS policy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.1.3.  Service availability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.1.4.  Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       4.1.5.  rpcs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  Service model usage example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   6.  VAS YANG Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   9.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26

1.  Introduction

   By using Network Function Virtualization (NFV), telecommunication's
   networks, currently built out of customized hardware with a specific
   function, can be built upon general servers with network service
   functions provided by software.  Services can span everything
   including managed router, firewall, security (such as intrusion and
   malware detection), unified communications, and application
   performance management et al.  Such service can be referred to as a
   value added service (VAS).  A customized VAS can be created and
   managed by operators for customers by adding it dynamically to the
   customers' data path in service chaining in conjunction.

   This document defines a YANG data model for Generic Value Added
   Service (VAS) configuration and operation which provides common
   structure for various VAS service components, such as firewall, load
   balancing et al.

   This service model can be applied to L3VPN network in conjunction
   with L3VPN service model defined in [draft-ietf-l3sm-l3vpn-service-
   model] to configure and manage L3VPN network and other Cloud VPN

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2.  Conventions and Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

   The following notations are used within the data tree and carry the
   meaning as below.

  Each node is printed as:
    <status> <flags> <name> <opts> <type>

    <status> is one of:
         +  for current
         x  for deprecated
         o  for obsolete
    <flags> is one of:
        rw for configuration data
        ro for non-configuration data
        -x for rpcs
        -n for notifications
    <name> is the name of the node

    If the node is augmented into the tree from another module, its name
    is printed as <prefix>:<name>.
    <opts> is one of:
         ?  for an optional leaf or choice
         !  for a presence container
         *  for a leaf-list or list
         [<keys>] for a list's keys
    <type> is the name of the type for leafs and leaf-lists

   In this document, these words will appear with that interpretation
   only when in ALL CAPS.  Lower case uses of these words are not to be
   interpreted as carrying RFC-2119 significance.

2.1.  Terminologies

   NFV  Network Function Virtualization

   L3SM  Layer 3 VPN Service Model

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3.  Value Added Service (VAS) service model

   A value added service is a network function provided by the service
   operator.  The Value Added Service (VAS) service model is to provide
   a common understanding on what the value added network service
   includes when deployed onto network for customers.

3.1.  Service data model usage

  |                                                              |
  |                         Application                          |
  |                                                              |
  |                                                              |
               |                                   |
               |                                   |
               |                                   | VAS Service Model
               |                                   |
               |                                   |
               |                                   |
               |                                +--|---------------------+
               |                           +-------V----------------+    |
  +------------V----------------+     +------------------------+    |    |
  |                             |     |                        |    |    |
  |                             |     |                        |    |    |
  |         Controller          |     |       VNF Manager      |    |----+
  |                             |     |                        |-|- +
  +------------|----------------+     +---|-------|------------+ |
               |                          |       |              |
               |                          |       |  CLI/Netconf |.
               |                          |       |              |
               | Openflow/Ovsdb           |       |              |
               | /Netconf...              |       |              |
               |                          |       |              |
      +--------|-----------+              |       |              |
     +---------V----------+|       +++++++V+++ +++V+++++++   ++++V++++++
    +--------------------+||       +         + +         +   +         +
    |                    |||       +   vLB   + +   vFW   +   +   vFW   +
    |      Device        ||+       +         + +         +   +         +
    |                    |+        +++++++++++ +++++++++++   +++++++++++

   The purpose of the VAS service model is to propose a generic
   interface to manage and deploy configuration of a VAS service
   component, for example firewall et al.  A typical usage is to use
   this model as an input of Virtual Network Function Manager (VNFM)
   derived from NFV service component on application layer to configure

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   and manage the VNFM to create and delete virtual Load Balancing (vLB)
   and virtual Firewall (vFW) instances for customers, so as to provide
   value added services for tenant networks.  The configuration of VNF
   such as vLBs and vFWs MAY be done by CLI, or by NetConf/RestConf.

   The usage of this service model is not limited to this example, it
   can be used by any component of the management system but not
   directly by network elements.

4.  Design of the Data Model

   The YANG module includes two parts: vas-service-components and vas-
   component-management.  The vas-service-components defines parameters
   for value added service component for a specific customer, which is
   used by service providers onto VNFM to create/delete VAS service for
   tenants.  The vas-component-management is rps model to facilitate
   issuing commands to a NETCONF server (in this case to the VNFM
   component to mange a VAS) and get a response. rpc model here
   abstracts specific commands for various value added services,
   including load balancing and firewall services.  There are two rpc
   commands defined here for the management of VASs, that are component
   management and policy management.

   The figure below describe the overall structure of the YANG module:

module: ietf-vas-svc
   +--rw vas-service-components
      +--rw service-component* [name]
         +--rw name                            string
         +--rw id?                             uint32
         +--rw admin-status?                   enumeration
         +--rw enable?                         boolean
         +--rw isvirtual?                      boolean
         +--rw tenant-id?                      string
         +--rw provider?                       string
         +--rw service-component-type?         identityref
         +--rw vas-policy
         |  +--rw vas-classification-policy
         |  |  +--rw rules* [id]
         |  |     +--rw id            string
         |  |     +--rw match-flow
         |  |        +--rw (type)?
         |  |           +--:(ip)
         |  |           |  +--rw (ip-version)?
         |  |           |     +--:(ipv4)
         |  |           |     |  +--rw src-ipv4-network?         inet:ipv4-prefix
         |  |           |     |  +--rw dst-ipv4-network?         inet:ipv4-prefix
         |  |           |     +--:(ipv6)

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         |  |           |        +--rw src-ipv6-network?         inet:ipv6-prefix
         |  |           |        +--rw dst-ipv6-network?         inet:ipv6-prefix
         |  |           |        +--rw flow-label?               inet:ipv6-flow-label
         |  |           |        +--rw dscp?                     inet:dscp
         |  |           |        +--rw protocol?                 uint8
         |  |           |        +--rw source-port-range
         |  |           |        |  +--rw lower-port?   inet:port-number
         |  |           |        |  +--rw upper-port?   inet:port-number
         |  |           |        +--rw destination-port-range
         |  |           |           +--rw lower-port    inet:port-number
         |  |           |           +--rw upper-port?   inet:port-number
         |  |           +--:(eth)
         |  |              +--rw src-mac-address?          yang:mac-address
         |  |              +--rw dst-mac-address?          yang:mac-address
         |  |              +--rw src-mac-address-mask?     yang:mac-address
         |  |              +--rw dst-mac-address-mask?     yang:mac-address
         |  +--rw std-vas-profile?             string
         +--rw availability
         |  +--rw service-type?   identityref
         +--rw management
            +--rw management-url?    string
            +--rw vas-instance-id?   uint32
            +--rw vlan-id            uint32
   +---x vas-component-management
   |  +--ro input
   |  |  +--ro service-component
   |  |     +--ro name?                     string
   |  |     +--ro admin-status?             enumeration
   |  |     +--ro operation-type?           identityref
   |  |     +--ro isvirtual?                boolean
   |  |     +--ro tenant-id?                string
   |  |     +--ro provider?                 string
   |  |     +--ro service-component-type?   identityref
   |  |     +--ro vas-policy
   |  |        +--ro id?   string
   |  +--ro output
   |     +--ro service-component
   |        +--ro name?                     string
   |        +--ro admin-status?             enumeration
   |        +--ro operation-type?           identityref
   |        +--ro isvirtual?                boolean
   |        +--ro tenant-id?                string
   |        +--ro provider?                 string
   |        +--ro service-component-type?   identityref
   |        +--ro vas-policy
   |        |  +--ro id?   string
   |        +--ro management

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   |           +--ro management-url?    string
   |           +--ro vas-instance-id?   uint32
   +---x vas-policy-management
      +--ro input
      |  +--ro service-component
      |     +--ro name?                     string
      |     +--ro isvirtual?                boolean
      |     +--ro tenant-id?                string
      |     +--ro provider?                 string
      |     +--ro service-component-type?   identityref
      |     +--ro vas-policy
      |        +--ro id?   string
      +--ro output
         +--ro service-component
            +--ro name?                     string
            +--ro isvirtual?                boolean
            +--ro tenant-id?                string
            +--ro provider?                 string
            +--ro service-component-type?   identityref
            +--ro vas-policy
            |  +--ro vas-classification-policy
            |  |  +--ro rules* [id]
            |  |     +--ro id             string
            |  |     +--ro match-flow
            |  |        +--ro (type)?
            |  |           +--:(ip)
            |  |           |  +--ro (ip-version)?
            |  |           |     +--:(ipv4)
            |  |           |     |  +--ro src-ipv4-network?         inet:ipv4-prefix
            |  |           |     |  +--ro dst-ipv4-network?         inet:ipv4-prefix
            |  |           |     +--:(ipv6)
            |  |           |        +--ro src-ipv6-network?         inet:ipv6-prefix
            |  |           |        +--ro dst-ipv6-network?         inet:ipv6-prefix
            |  |           |        +--ro flow-label?               inet:ipv6-flow-label
            |  |           |        +--ro dscp?                     inet:dscp
            |  |           |        +--ro protocol?                 uint8
            |  |           |        +--ro source-port-range
            |  |           |        |  +--ro lower-port?   inet:port-number
            |  |           |        |  +--ro upper-port?   inet:port-number
            |  |           |        +--ro destination-port-range
            |  |           |           +--ro lower-port    inet:port-number
            |  |           |           +--ro upper-port?   inet:port-number
            |  |           +--:(eth)
            |  |              +--ro src-mac-address?          yang:mac-address
            |  |              +--ro dst-mac-address?          yang:mac-address
            |  |              +--ro src-mac-address-mask?     yang:mac-address
            |  |              +--ro dst-mac-address-mask?     yang:mac-address
            |  +--ro std-vas-profile?             string

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            +--ro management
               +--ro management-url?    string
               +--ro vas-instance-id?   uint32

4.1.  VAS service overview

   The vas-service-components top container includes generic information
   about the value added service.  The name of the vas-service-
   components refers to an internal reference for the VAS, while the id
   is also the identifier of this service component used by systems.
   This identifier is purely internal to the service provider that
   offers this service.  The admin-status indicates the administration
   of this value added service component.  Besides, tenant-id is defined
   to indicate the customer that requires this service and presents for
   the service provider for this VAS.

4.1.1.  Service component type

   The type of VAS service component is to indicate the type of service
   component, so as to indicate its virtual network function.  Current
   proposal includes: firewall and loadbalancing.  New VAS component
   could be added by augmentation.

4.1.2.  The VAS policy

   Policies of the VAS are required for configuration, which shows the
   rules for customer traffic flows, so as to achieve their required
   value added services.  The policy id refers to the set of rules
   within the configuration and management system, while the match-flow
   defines the applied traffic flows.  The policies can be defined by
   service providers themselves by using policy models proposed in SUPA
   or other policy related groups.

   The std-vas-profile can also be used to show the provider standard
   vas profile to be applied.  This is a reference to a well known
   profile in Service provider administration, e.g.  PLATIUM for VIP.

4.1.3.  Service availability

   The service availability, along with service-component-redundancy,
   shows the VAS redundancy.  Within the availability container, the
   model proposes three models of redundancy: single (no redundancy
   required), primary-backup (one is primary while it goes down, the
   traffic goes to the backup component to process) and loadsharing
   (both components are used at the same time, while how to implement
   the service loadsharing is out of the scope).

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   Also, the availability defines four access-types to indicate the role
   of the service component in the service availability system, which
   includes: single-access (single component for the function), primary-
   access (the primary component in the primary-backup service type),
   backup-access (the backup access in the primary-backup service type)
   and loadsharing-access (any access in loadsharing service type).

4.1.4.  Management

   The management container contains the management information of this
   service component.  There can use a management url to indicate where
   to fetch the management script.  Also a vas-instance-id is referred
   to a virtual network function instance that runs.

4.1.5.  rpcs

   The applications can also use defined rpc commands to a NETCONF
   server (in this case to the VNF manager) to configure and manage the
   vas components and vas policies for customers and obtains a response.
   As well, rpc here abstracts vas parameters in a technology
   independent manner.  The YANG module defines two rpc commands for vas
   component management and vas policy management.

5.  Service model usage example

   As explained in section 4, this service model is intended to be
   instantiated at a management layer and dispatched onto a VNF Manager
   to further manage resources on network elements for value added
   service components for customers.  The management system serves as a
   NFV orchestrator to allocate and orchestrate the required value added
   services for customers.

   This section provides an example on how a management system can use
   this generic model to configure the required value added services for
   a customer.  The customer (which can also be considered as a tenant)
   requires firewall service and load balancing for his private cloud
   network provided by a service provider.

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     <provider> hillstone</provider>
       <id> c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c</id>

     <provider> hillstone</provider>
       <id> c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c</id>

   The following XML describes the configuration of firewall service and
   load balancing service for a customer.

6.  VAS YANG Module

<CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-vas-svc.yang"
module ietf-vas-svc {
      namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-vas-svc";

      prefix vas-svc;

      import ietf-inet-types {
          prefix inet;

      import ietf-yang-types {
          prefix yang;

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       "IETF L3SM Working Group";


          "The YANG module defines a generic value added service configuration

      revision 2015-10-12 {

    identity vas-service-types{
  "Base identity for vas service component type.";
 identity firewall{
  base vas-service-types;
  "identity for firewall service component type.";
 identity loadbalance{
  base vas-service-types;
  "identity for firewall service component type.";

 identity vas-operation-type{
  "Base identity for vas operation type.";

 identity create{
  base vas-operation-type;
  "Identity for create service.";

 identity delete{
  base vas-operation-type;
  "Identity for delete service.";

 identity update{
  base vas-operation-type;

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  "Identity for update service.";

      identity service-availability {
           "Base identity for site availability.";

      identity loadsharing {
              base service-availability;
               "Identity for loadsharing.";

      identity primary  {
              base service-availability;
               "Identity for primary.";
      identity backup  {
              base service-availability;
               "Identity for backup.";

       grouping vas-availability {
          container availability {
                      leaf service-type {
                          type identityref {
                              base service-availability;
                           "Type of service availability";
                   "Service availability parameters.";
           "This grouping defines service availability

 container vas-service-components{

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  "this container contains several value-added-service components.";

  list service-component{
   key "name";
   "this container present a value-added-service component.";

   leaf name{
    type string;
    "the name of value added service.";

   leaf id{
    type uint32;
    "the vas id";

   leaf admin-status{
       type enumeration {
        enum up {
         value 1;
        enum down {
   value 2;
  enum testing {
         value 3;

   leaf enable{
    type boolean;
    "enable this vas service.";

   leaf isvirtual{
    type boolean;
    "if it is set to true, it indicate the vas
    is a virtual service";

   leaf tenant-id{
    type string;

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    "tenant id";

   leaf provider{
    type string;
    "provider name";

   leaf service-component-type{
    type identityref{
     base vas-service-types;
    "indicate the service component type.";

   container vas-policy{

    container vas-classification-policy{

  list rules{
   key "id";

   leaf id{
    type uint16;
    "rule id";

 container match-flow{
    "match flow.";

    choice type{
     "match flow type";

     case ip{
      choice ip-version{
    case ipv4{
     leaf src-ipv4-network{
      type inet:ipv4-prefix;
               "source ip.";
     leaf dst-ipv4-network{

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      type inet:ipv4-prefix;
      "destination ip.";
    case ipv6{
     leaf src-ipv6-network{
      type inet:ipv6-prefix;
               "source ip.";
     leaf dst-ipv6-network{
      type inet:ipv6-prefix;
      "destination ip.";
     leaf flow-label{
      type inet:ipv6-flow-label;
      "flow label.";
     leaf dscp{
      type inet:dscp;
      "Differentiated Services Code Point";
     leaf protocol{
      type uint8;
      "Internet Protocol number.";
     container source-port-range {
               "Inclusive range representing source ports to be used.
                When only lower-port is present, it represents a single port.";
              leaf lower-port {
               type inet:port-number;
               "Lower boundary for port.";
              leaf upper-port {
               must ". >= ../lower-port" {
               "The upper-port must be greater than or equal to lower-port";
               type inet:port-number;
               "Upper boundary for port . If existing, the upper port

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               must be greater or equal to lower-port.";
             container destination-port-range {
              "Inclusive range representing destination ports to be used. When
               only lower-port is present, it represents a single port.";
              leaf lower-port {
               type inet:port-number;
               mandatory true;
               "Lower boundary for port.";
              leaf upper-port {
               must ". >= ../lower-port" {
               "The upper-port must be greater than or equal to lower-port";
               type inet:port-number;
               "Upper boundary for port. If existing, the upper port must
                be greater or equal to lower-port";
     case eth{
      leaf src-mac-address{
    type yang:mac-address;
    "source mac address.";

   leaf dst-mac-address{
    type yang:mac-address;
    "destination mac address.";

   leaf src-mac-address-mask{
    type yang:mac-address;
    "source mac address mask.";

   leaf dst-mac-address-mask{
    type yang:mac-address;

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    "destination mac address mask.";

    leaf std-vas-profile{
  type string;
  "standard vas profile.";
   leaf service-component-redundancy{
    type boolean;
   uses vas-availability;
   container management{
    "vas management.";
    leaf management-url{
     type string;
  "management url.";
    leaf vas-instance-id{
     type uint32;
  "vas instance id";
    leaf vlan-id{
     type uint32;
  "vlan id";

  rpc vas-component-management{
   "vas component management.";
    container service-component{
  "service component.";

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  leaf name{
   type string;
   "name of service component.";
   leaf admin-status{
       type enumeration {
        enum up {
         value 1;
        enum down {
   value 2;
  enum testing {
         value 3;
   leaf operation-type{
    type identityref{
     base vas-operation-type;
    "operation type such as create, delete, update, etc.";
   leaf isvirtual{
    type boolean;
    "if it is set to true, it indicate the vas
    is a virtual service";
   leaf tenant-id{
    type string;
    "tenant identity";
   leaf provider{
    type string;
    "provider name";
   leaf service-component-type{
    type identityref{
     base vas-service-types;
    "service component type.";

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Internet-Draft              VAS Service Model               October 2015

   container vas-policy{
    "value added service policy.";
    leaf id{
     type string;
  "policy id.";
    container service-component{
  "service component.";
  leaf name{
   type string;
   "name of service component.";
   leaf admin-status{
       type enumeration {
        enum up {
         value 1;
        enum down {
   value 2;
  enum testing {
         value 3;
   leaf operation-type{
    type identityref{
     base vas-operation-type;
    "operation type such as create, delete, update, etc.";
   leaf isvirtual{
    type boolean;
    "if it is set to true, it indicate the vas
    is a virtual service";
   leaf tenant-id{
    type string;

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    "tenant identity";
   leaf provider{
    type string;
    "provider name";
   leaf service-component-type{
    type identityref{
     base vas-service-types;
    "service component type.";
   container vas-policy{
    "value added service policy.";
    leaf id{
     type string;
  "policy id.";
   container management{
    "vas management.";
    leaf management-url{
     type string;
  "management url.";
    leaf vas-instance-id{
     type uint32;
  "vas instance id";

   rpc vas-policy-management{
 "vas policy management.";
  container service-component{

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   "service component.";
   leaf name{
    type string;
    "name of service-component.";
   leaf isvirtual{
    type boolean;
    "if it is set to true, it indicate the vas
    is a virtual service";

   leaf tenant-id{
    type string;
    "tenant id";

   leaf provider{
    type string;
    "provider name";

   leaf service-component-type{
    type identityref{
     base vas-service-types;
    "indicate the service component type.";
   container vas-policy{
    "value added service policy.";
    leaf id{
     type string;
  "policy id.";
  container service-component{
   "service component.";
   leaf name{

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    type string;
    "name of service-component.";
   leaf isvirtual{
    type boolean;
    "if it is set to true, it indicate the vas
    is a virtual service";

   leaf tenant-id{
    type string;
    "tenant id";

   leaf provider{
    type string;
    "provider name";

   leaf service-component-type{
    type identityref{
     base vas-service-types;
    "indicate the service component type.";
   container vas-policy{

    container vas-classification-policy{

  list rules{
   key "id";

   leaf id{
    type string;
    "rule id";

         container match-flow{
    "match flow.";

    choice type{

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     "match flow type";

     case ip{
      choice ip-version{
    case ipv4{
     leaf src-ipv4-network{
      type inet:ipv4-prefix;
               "source ip.";
     leaf dst-ipv4-network{
      type inet:ipv4-prefix;
      "destination ip.";
    case ipv6{
     leaf src-ipv6-network{
      type inet:ipv6-prefix;
               "source ip.";
     leaf dst-ipv6-network{
      type inet:ipv6-prefix;
      "destination ip.";
     leaf flow-label{
      type inet:ipv6-flow-label;
      "flow label.";
     leaf dscp{
      type inet:dscp;
      "Differentiated Services Code Point";
     leaf protocol{
      type uint8;
      "Internet Protocol number.";
     container source-port-range {
               "Inclusive range representing source ports to be used.
                When only lower-port is present, it represents a single port.";
              leaf lower-port {

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               type inet:port-number;
               "Lower boundary for port.";
              leaf upper-port {
               must ". >= ../lower-port" {
               "The upper-port must be greater than or equal to lower-port";
               type inet:port-number;
               "Upper boundary for port . If existing, the upper port
               must be greater or equal to lower-port.";
             container destination-port-range {
              "Inclusive range representing destination ports to be used. When
               only lower-port is present, it represents a single port.";
              leaf lower-port {
               type inet:port-number;
               mandatory true;
               "Lower boundary for port.";
              leaf upper-port {
               must ". >= ../lower-port" {
               "The upper-port must be greater than or equal to lower-port";
               type inet:port-number;
               "Upper boundary for port. If existing, the upper port must
                be greater or equal to lower-port";
     case eth{
      leaf src-mac-address{
    type yang:mac-address;
    "source mac address.";

   leaf dst-mac-address{
    type yang:mac-address;

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    "destination mac address.";

   leaf src-mac-address-mask{
    type yang:mac-address;
    "source mac address mask.";

   leaf dst-mac-address-mask{
    type yang:mac-address;
    "destination mac address mask.";

    leaf std-vas-profile{
  type string;
  "standard vas profile.";
   container management{
    "vas management.";
    leaf management-url{
     type string;
  "management url.";
    leaf vas-instance-id{
     type uint32;
  "vas instance id";

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7.  Security Considerations


8.  IANA Considerations


9.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", March 1997.

Authors' Addresses

   Rong Gu
   China Mobile
   32 Xuanwumen West Ave, Xicheng District
   Beijing  100053


   Chen Li
   China Mobile
   32 Xuanwumen West Ave, Xicheng District
   Beijing  100053


   Yan Zhuang
   101 Software Avenue, Yuhua District
   Nanjing, Jiangsu  210012


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Internet-Draft              VAS Service Model               October 2015

   Zitao Wang
   101 Software Avenue, Yuhua District
   Nanjing, Jiangsu  210012


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