@techreport{guillemot-genrtp-01, number = {draft-guillemot-genrtp-01}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-guillemot-genrtp/01/}, author = {Paul Christ and Anders Klemets and Christine Guillemot and Stefan Wesner}, title = {{RTP Payload Format for MPEG-4 with Scaleable \& Flexible Error Resiliency}}, pagetotal = 18, year = 1999, month = jul, day = 2, abstract = {This document describes a payload format, which can be used for the transport of both MPEG-4 Elementary Streams (ES) as well as MPEG-4 Sync Layer packet streams, in RTP {[}1{]} packets. The payload format allows for protection against loss in a generic way, through frag- mentation, grouping and extension data mechanisms, which can dynamically adapt to network conditions. These mechanisms can operate both on full and partial MPEG-4 Access Units, such as Sync Layer packets, or typed segments, These mechanisms can cover a broad range of protection schemes and avoid extra connection management complexity - e.g. for separate FEC channels - in MPEG-4 applications with a high number of streams.}, }