@techreport{hellstrom-txtgwy-02, number = {draft-hellstrom-txtgwy-02}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-hellstrom-txtgwy/02/}, author = {Gunnar Hellstrom and Barry Dingle and Arnoud Wijk and Guido Gybels}, title = {{Real-time text interworking between PSTN and IP networks}}, pagetotal = 16, year = 2010, month = mar, day = 8, abstract = {IP networks can support real-time text communication. SIP-based real- time text is called Text-over-IP or ToIP. PSTN networks support real-time text using textphones (or TTYs). When real-time text is supported by different networks, gateways are needed to provide interoperability. Real-time text capable gateways may also support real-time voice. This specification describes procedures for interworking between ToIP and PSTN textphones using a real-time text capable gateway (RTT gateway). It also describes ways to route calls to RTT gateways for several call scenarios. Procedures that support the phased introduction of RTT gateways and procedures that support the invocation of text channels at any time during the call are included. Interworking of PSTN textphones that do not support simultaneity of voice and text with IP User Agents that support simultaneous voice and text is also described.}, }