@techreport{hummel-ppvpn-mp2p-tunnel-sequencing-00, number = {draft-hummel-ppvpn-mp2p-tunnel-sequencing-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-hummel-ppvpn-mp2p-tunnel-sequencing/00/}, author = {Heinrich K. Hummel}, title = {{Partially meshed base tunnels plus hierarchical mp2p tunnel sequence LSPs}}, pagetotal = 10, year = 2001, month = nov, day = 13, abstract = {In order to provide any-CE-to-any-CE connectivity it is proposed to deploy an O(n)-sized set of base tunnels which form a reasonable partial mesh (e.g. chessboard topology), and to use them and re-use them many times as elements of concatenated hierarchical multipoint- to-point tunnel sequence LSPs. The number of saved tunnels is of order n-square. Multiple,differently routed tunnel sequence LSPs but rooted at the same node may cater for features like traffic balancing, path protection, QoS-routing, etc., without needing any extra tunnel. It is outlined how to establish such an optimal VPN inter-site tunneling.}, }