@techreport{hy-srv6ops-sfc-in-cloud-uc-00, number = {draft-hy-srv6ops-sfc-in-cloud-uc-00}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-hy-srv6ops-sfc-in-cloud-uc/00/}, author = {Tao He and Xinxin Yi}, title = {{Use Cases and Requirements for Service Function Chaining based on SRv6 in cloud.}}, pagetotal = 5, year = 2024, month = oct, day = 16, abstract = {This document outlines the usecase for implementing Service Function Chaining(SFC) based on SRv6 in cloud, motivated by the increasing demand for collabration between cloud and network. The capabilities of SRv6 in most cloud service are not ready, such as SFC based on SRv6. If we want to realize these capabilities of SRv6 end-to-end, virtual routers(VR) can be deployed as an agent which support SRv6 in the cloud.}, }