Technical Summary
This document describes the environment, problem statement, and goals
for using the IEEE802.15.4e TSCH MAC protocol in the context of LLNs.
This MAC is the base for the 6TiSCH work. 6TiSCH adds in particular a LLC
Sublayer and security mechanisms that are described is separate documents.
Working Group Summary
The 6TiSCH group counts a number of 802.15.4 and 4e experts, on topics
including MAC operations and security. This document focuses on MAC
operations only. 6TiSCH has started a new line of work on the security
of the join process and of link operation separately so that piece is not
expected from the present document.
Document Quality
The document is a high-level description of an IEEE standard and does not define
a standard component by itself. It can be expected that 802.15.4e will be slightly
revised as it is wrapped up in the IEEE 802.15.4-2015 standard. The changes,
though, will probably be below the level of detail addressed in the document.
Document Shepherd: Pascal Thubert
Responsible Area Director: Ted Lemon