Technical Summary
The Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) protocol is commonly
used to verify connectivity between two systems. BFD packets are
typically very small. It is desirable in some circumstances to know
that not only is the path between two systems reachable, but also
that it is capable of carrying a payload of a particular size. This
document specifies how to implement such a mechanism using BFD in
Asynchronous mode.
YANG modules for managing this mechanism are also defined in this
document. These YANG modules augment the existing BFD YANG modules
defined in RFC 9314. The YANG modules in this document conform to
the Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) (RFC 8342).
Working Group Summary
This document reached broad agreement in the BFD WG.
There was no controversy.
The only unaddressed feedback was (from Robert Raszuk) that the solution does
not work well with ECMP. This is not specific to this document but is a general
issue with BFD multi-hop. This document doesn't change the fundamentals of BFD and while
Robert's observation is correct, this document follows what is already done in
BFD multi-hop.
Document Quality
YANG doctors made a review and their comment was addressed in -14.
The Document Shepherd for this document is Reshad Rahman. The
Responsible Area Director is Éric Vyncke.
Nothing beside registering the small YANG module.