Technical Summary
This document describes a profile for the Bi-directional Forwarding Detection
(BFD) protocol for "sessionless" applications. This permits a single active
side to initiate a BFD session with a passive "unsolicited" side. The
unsolicited side does not require per-session configuration.
An example of such a session is protecting the reachability of a static route's
nexthop by configuring BFD on the static route without requiring the device
with the target nexthop to have the other half of the session configured.
Working Group Summary
This document was considered non-controversial and has been previously deployed
in multiple implementations. Since the document includes an extension to the
BFD YANG module, publication was delayed until the dependent YANG module was on
its way to IETF publication as an RFC.
Document Quality
There are multiple implementations of this mechanism. Since the BFD YANG module is
new (RFC 9127) as of this writeup, there are currently no implementations of the
augmentation module contained in this document.
Document Shepherd: Jeffrey Haas, BFD co-chair.
Responsible Area Director: John Scudder, Routing.