Technical Summary
This specification updates [RFC5545] and [RFC5546] by introducing a
number of new iCalendar properties and components which are of
particular use for event publishers and in social networking.
This specification also defines a new STRUCTURED-DATA property for
iCalendar [RFC5545] to allow for data that is directly pertinent to
an event or task to be included with the calendar data.
Working Group Summary
The document did not raised any controversy, but in my opinion
the document would need some more feed backs from the community.
At this point we mostly rely on the experience of the author as well as
his own implementation.
Document Quality
Michael has a partial implementation.
Daniel Migault is the document shepherd and Barry Leiba is the responsible AD.
RFC Editor Notes
There's one minor issue in Section 10.2 that needs correction during editing:
without those participant's express permission.
without the express permission of the participants whose location would be exposed.