%% You should probably cite draft-ietf-ccamp-dwdm-if-mng-ctrl-fwk-13 instead of this revision. @techreport{ietf-ccamp-dwdm-if-mng-ctrl-fwk-06, number = {draft-ietf-ccamp-dwdm-if-mng-ctrl-fwk-06}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-ccamp-dwdm-if-mng-ctrl-fwk/06/}, author = {Ruediger Kunze and Gert Grammel and Dieter Beller and Gabriele Galimberti and Julien Meuric}, title = {{A framework for Management and Control of DWDM optical interface parameters}}, pagetotal = 29, year = 2017, month = jun, day = 30, abstract = {To ensure an efficient data transport, meeting the requirements requested by today's IP-services the control and management of DWDM interfaces are a precondition for enhanced multilayer networking and for a further automation of network provisioning and operation. This document describes use cases, requirements and solutions for the control and management of optical interfaces parameters according to different types of single channel DWDM interfaces. The focus is on automating the network provisioning process irrespective on how it is triggered i.e. by EMS, NMS or GMPLS. This document covers management as well as control plane considerations in different management cases of single channel DWDM interfaces. The purpose is to identify the necessary information elements and processes to be used by control or management systems for further processing.}, }