Technical Summary
Introducing new or modified congestion control algorithms in the
global Internet has possible ramifications to both the flows using
the proposed congestion control algorithms and to flows using a
standardized congestion control algorithm. Therefore, the IETF must
proceed with caution when evaluating proposals for alternate
congestion control. The goal of this document is to provide guidance
for considering standardization of a proposed congestion control
algorithm at the IETF. It obsoletes RFC5033 to reflect changes in
the congestion control landscape.
Working Group Summary
The document reached broad agreement in the Working Group.
Document Quality
This document is a BCP. This draft has benefited from broad TSV and WIT area review within the WG
itself. There were a number of detailed reviews across the entire document.
The Document Shepherd for this document is Reese Enghardt. The
Responsible Area Director is Zaheduzzaman Sarker.