Technical Summary:
A CoAP server can experience temporary overload because one or more
clients are sending requests to the server at a higher rate than
the server is capable or willing to handle. This document defines
a new CoAP Response Code for a server to indicate that a client
should reduce the rate of requests.
Working Group Summary:
While this seemed to be a simple housekeeping document (based on other
SDOs' requests) at first, the WG process did unearth a few fine points
that have been taken care of in the current document. WGLC was passed
July 16, 2018 (right before the CoRE meeting in Montreal), there was
no dissent on advancing this.
Document Quality:
While no formal review was sent to the list, both Jim Schaad and Klaus
Hartke sent comments based on an in-depth review and later indicated
that their comments had been resolved in -04. Implementers indicated
intent to implement this. No formal languages in the document.
Shepherd: Carsten Bormann
Responsible AD: Alexey Melnikov