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Shepherd writeup

(1) RFC is Standards Track, and this is the correct RFC type.


Technical Summary:

   This document describes a technique called "QNAME minimisation" to
   improve DNS privacy, where the DNS resolver no longer always sends
   the full original QNAME and original QTYPE to the upstream name
   server.  This document obsoletes RFC 7816.

Working Group Summary:

Working group consensus was strong. There was a delay in updating the document
during WGLC.  This was affected by one of the authors starting a new position
and not having time.

Document Quality:

This document is turning an Experimental document into a standards track
document, after having implementations deployed across the internet, data
collected, and analyzed.

Document Shepherd:  Tim Wicinski
Responsible Area Director: Warren Kumari

(3)  The Document Shepherd did a detailed review of the document
for content as well as simple editorial checks (spelling/grammar).
The shepherd feels the document is ready for publication.

(4) The Document Shepherd has no concerns on the depth or breadth
of the reviews.

(5) There is no need for broader review.

(6) There are no concerns from the document shepherd.

(7) Authors have no IPR disclosures needed

(8) rfc7816, which this document is obsoleting, has an IPR filed against it:

The owners of this IPR have  filed an updated IPR on this document:

(9) The WG Consensus on this document is very solid.

(10) There has been no appeals.

(11) All nits found have been addressed by the authors.

(12) No formal review needed

(13) All references have been identified as normative or informative.

(14) All normative references are in a clear state.

(15) There are two downward normative references:

    RFC 6973, which is an IAB document which is used as a normative reference
        in many places;

        RFC 7816, which is an experimental document being obsoleted bt this

(16) This document will obsolete 7816 and that is listed in the abstract and
the introduction.

(17) N/A

(18) N/A

(19) N/A

(20) No Yang Necessary
