Technical Summary
The goal of this document is to define a general architecture
for IPv6-based home networking, describing the associated
principles, considerations and requirements. The text briefly
highlights specific implications of the introduction of IPv6 for
home networking, discusses the elements of the
architecture, and suggests how standard IPv6 mechanisms
and addressing can be employed in home networking. The
architecture describes the need for specific protocol
extensions for certain additional functionality. It is assumed
that the IPv6 home network is not actively managed, and
runs as an IPv6-only or dual-stack network. There are no
recommendations in this text for the IPv4 part of the network.
Working Group Summary
The general architectural principles appear to be well supported
and understood. Whilst there have been some controversial
discussions within the WG, those have tended to be around
potential future implementation decisions rather than with the
architecture as a whole.
Document Quality
There have been two formal WG last calls, with a substantial number
of reviewers.
Ray Bellis is shepherd; Ted Lemon is responsible AD.