Technical Summary
This document defines the "api-catalog" well-known URI and link
relation. It is intended to facilitate automated discovery and usage
of the APIs published by a given organisation or individual. A
request to the api-catalog resource will return a document providing
information about, and links to, the publisher's APIs.
Working Group Summary
The shepherd has observed broad consensus across the working group for this document.
There have been a significant number of comments and suggestions, and the
author has addressed them all.
There was concern raised by some members of the working group about the ability
to support identifying different kinds of APIs. For example, whether those
APIs respected REST constraints for resource discovery, or if they used static
API description documents. The author demonstrates support for a broad set of
scenarios with examples in the document.
Nobody has threatened an appeal or indicated extreme discontent.
Document Quality
There are no existing implementations that the shepherd is aware of. There has been
expression of interest to implement.
This document leans heavily on prior work such as LinkSet (RFC9264), Profiles
(RFC7284) and Well Known URIs (RFC8615). The authors of RFC9264 have provided
extensive feedback on the document. The use of a profile URI and the well known
URI are not controversial and would not likely benefit from further review.
The use of the Well Known URI is consistent with the guidance in BCP56.
IdNits tool was run on the document.
HTML validator was used to verify the HTML examples.
JSON Validator was used to verify the JSON examples.
The Document Shepherd for this document is Darrel Miller. The
Responsible Area Director is Francesca Palombini.