%% You should probably cite draft-ietf-idr-sdwan-edge-discovery-18 instead of this revision. @techreport{ietf-idr-sdwan-edge-discovery-03, number = {draft-ietf-idr-sdwan-edge-discovery-03}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-idr-sdwan-edge-discovery/03/}, author = {Linda Dunbar and Susan Hares and Robert Raszuk and Kausik Majumdar and Gyan Mishra}, title = {{BGP UPDATE for SDWAN Edge Discovery}}, pagetotal = 31, year = , month = , day = , abstract = {The document describes the encoding of BGP UPDATE messages for the SDWAN edge node discovery. In the context of this document, BGP Route Reflector (RR) is the component of the SDWAN Controller that receives the BGP UPDATE from SDWAN edges and in turns propagates the information to the intended peers that are authorized to communicate via the SDWAN overlay network.}, }