This shepherd writeup follows the Essay Style Document Writeup template
1. Summary
The document shepherd is Tal Mizrahi, and the responsible area director is
Mirja Kühlewind.
This document describes Multipoint Alternate Marking, which is a method for
measuring loss and delay in a multipoint-to-multipoint network, using an
alternate marking field. The document extends the alternate marking method that
was previously introduced in RFC 8321 to mp-to-mp scenarios. Note that RFC 8321
is also a document that was published by the IPPM working group.
The intended status of this document is Experimental, as it presents a
measurement methodology without defining a specific protocol.
2. Review and Consensus
The draft was first submitted in June 2017, has been reviewed by a fair number
of people in the IPPM working group, has had a fair number of supporters, and
no objections from the working group. The main comments included clarification
questions regarding the description of the measurement procedure and about some
of the figures in the document. The draft was adopted by the working group in
November 2018.
During working group last call the draft had a fair number of supporting WG
members, with relatively minor comments, and these comments were addressed by
the authors.
The authors of this draft have implemented a prototype of the methodology using
Open vSwitch in the Mininet emulation environment. The implementation is
publicly available, and some experimental evaluation has been published by the
authors ("Multipoint Passive Monitoring in Packet Networks", IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Networking).
The current version of the draft is clear, seems to have resolved all the
issues, and has the consensus of the working group.
3. Intellectual Property
Three IPRs have been disclosed regarding this draft:
3035 Telecom Italia SpA's Statement about IPR related to
draft-fioccola-ippm-multipoint-alt-mark 3110 Telecom Italia SpA's Statement
about IPR related to draft-fioccola-ippm-multipoint-alt-mark 4010 Telecom
Italia SpA's Statement about IPR related to draft-ietf-ippm-multipoint-alt-mark
The disclosures are available at
An IPR poll was performed for this draft on the IPPM mailing list. The authors
have confirmed on the mailing list that they are not aware of any related IPRs
beyond the IPRs above.
4. Other Points
The draft does not include any requests from IANA.