Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) Internationalization and Domain-Based Service Names and Name Type
Technical Summary
This documentset describes domainname-based service principal names
the corresponding name type for the Generic Security Service
Application Programming Interface (GSS-API) and the GSS-API
Kerberos 5 mechanism.
Domain-based service names are similar to host-based service names,
but using a domain name (not necessarily an Internet domain name) in
addition to a hostname. The primary purpose of domain-based names is
to provide a measure of protection to applications that utilize
insecure service discovery protocols. This is achieved by providing
a way to name clustered services after the "domain" which they
service, thereby allowing their clients to authorize the service's
servers based on authentication of their service names.
Working Group Summary
The Kitten Working Group has achieved consensus that
this document should be published as a Proposed Standard. Two weeks
of discussion of the document and how applications would need to
be modified to make use if its specification were extended by an
additional week in order to reach consensus on additional examples.
Protocol Quality
This document has been reviewed by Sam Hartman for the IESG.
Note to RFC Editor
Please modify draft-ietf-kitten-gssapi-domain-based-names as follows:
(1) Insert a new section 3.1 Name Type OID and renumber the current
section 3.1 as 3.2.
(2) Insert the following text as the body of the new section 3.1
The IANA should record the following new name-type OID in the IANA's
"SMI Security for Name System Designators Codes (nametypes)"
5 gss-domain-based-services [RFCxxxx]
(3) In section 3.2, delete the following text:
allocated manually with RFC2743 as the authoritative "registry" --
there is no IANA registry for GSS-API name types at this time.
Therefore there are no IANA considerations in this document.
(4) Please append a new closing paragraph at the end of Section 7
Security Considerations:
Note that, as with all service names, the mere existence of a
domain-based service name conveys meaningful information that may be
used by initiators for making authorization decisions; therefore,
administrators of distributed authentication services should be
aware of the significance of the service names for which they create
acceptor credentials."
(5) Note: this RFC Editor note does not modify