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Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: Algorithm Identifiers for ML-DSA

The information below is for an old version of the document.
Document Type
This is an older version of an Internet-Draft whose latest revision state is "Active".
Authors Jake Massimo , Panos Kampanakis , Sean Turner , Bas Westerbaan
Last updated 2024-11-04 (Latest revision 2024-07-22)
Replaces draft-massimo-lamps-pq-sig-certificates
RFC stream Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Additional resources Mailing list discussion
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IESG IESG state I-D Exists
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LAMPS WG                                                      J. Massimo
Internet-Draft                                             P. Kampanakis
Intended status: Standards Track                                     AWS
Expires: 8 May 2025                                            S. Turner
                                                        B. E. Westerbaan
                                                         4 November 2024

Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: Algorithm Identifiers for ML-


   Digital signatures are used within X.509 certificates, Certificate
   Revocation Lists (CRLs), and to sign messages.  This document
   describes the conventions for using FIPS 204, the Module-Lattice-
   Based Digital Signature Algorithm (ML-DSA) in Internet X.509
   certificates and certificate revocation lists.  The conventions for
   the associated signatures, subject public keys, and private key are
   also described.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   The latest revision of this draft can be found at https://lamps-
   certificates.html.  Status information for this document may be found

   Discussion of this document takes place on the Limited Additional
   Mechanisms for PKIX and SMIME (lamps) Working Group mailing list
   (, which is archived at  Subscribe at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 8 May 2025.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  ML-DSA Signatures in PKIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  ML-DSA Public Keys in PKIX  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   5.  Key Usage Bits  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   6.  Private Key Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Appendix A.  ASN.1 Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   Appendix B.  Security Strengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Appendix C.  Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     C.1.  Example Private Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     C.2.  Example Public Key  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     C.3.  Example Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26

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1.  Introduction

   The Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Algorithm (ML-DSA) is a
   quantum-resistant digital signature scheme standardized by the US
   National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) PQC project
   [NIST-PQC] in [FIPS204].  This document specifies the use of the ML-
   DSA in Public Key Infrastructure X.509 (PKIX) certificates and
   Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) at three security levels: ML-DSA-
   44, ML-DSA-65, and ML-DSA-87.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

2.  Identifiers

   The AlgorithmIdentifier type, which is included herein for
   convenience, is defined as follows:

    AlgorithmIdentifier{ALGORITHM-TYPE, ALGORITHM-TYPE:AlgorithmSet} ::=
      SEQUENCE {
        parameters  ALGORITHM-TYPE.
                      Params({AlgorithmSet}{@algorithm}) OPTIONAL

      |  NOTE: The above syntax is from [RFC5912] and is compatible with
      |  the 2021 ASN.1 syntax [X680].  See [RFC5280] for the 1988 ASN.1
      |  syntax.

   The fields in AlgorithmIdentifier have the following meanings:

   *  algorithm identifies the cryptographic algorithm with an object

   *  parameters, which are optional, are the associated parameters for
      the algorithm identifier in the algorithm field.

   The OIDs are:

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      id-ML-DSA-44 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { joint-iso-itu-t(2)
               country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3)
               nistAlgorithm(4) sigAlgs(3) id-ml-dsa-44(17) }

      id-ML-DSA-65 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { joint-iso-itu-t(2)
               country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3)
               nistAlgorithm(4) sigAlgs(3) id-ml-dsa-65(18) }

      id-ML-DSA-87 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { joint-iso-itu-t(2)
               country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3)
               nistAlgorithm(4) sigAlgs(3) id-ml-dsa-87(19) }

   The contents of the parameters component for each algorithm MUST be

3.  ML-DSA Signatures in PKIX

   ML-DSA is a digital signature scheme built upon the Fiat-Shamir-with-
   aborts framework [Fiat-Shamir].  The security is based upon the
   hardness of lattice problems over module lattices [Dilithium].  ML-
   DSA provides three parameter sets for the NIST PQC security
   categories 2, 3 and 5.

   Signatures are used in a number of different ASN.1 structures.  As
   shown in the ASN.1 representation from [RFC5280] below, in an X.509
   certificate, a signature is encoded with an algorithm identifier in
   the signatureAlgorithm attribute and a signatureValue attribute that
   contains the actual signature.

     Certificate  ::=  SIGNED{ TBSCertificate }

     SIGNED{ToBeSigned} ::= SEQUENCE {
        toBeSigned           ToBeSigned,
        algorithmIdentifier  SEQUENCE {
            algorithm        SIGNATURE-ALGORITHM.
            parameters       SIGNATURE-ALGORITHM.

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   Signatures are also used in the CRL list ASN.1 representation from
   [RFC5280] below.  In a X.509 CRL, a signature is encoded with an
   algorithm identifier in the signatureAlgorithm attribute and a
   signatureValue attribute that contains the actual signature.

      CertificateList  ::=  SIGNED{ TBSCertList }

   The identifiers defined in Section 2 can be used as the
   AlgorithmIdentifier in the signatureAlgorithm field in the sequence
   Certificate/CertificateList and the signature field in the sequence
   TBSCertificate/TBSCertList in certificates and CRLs, respectively,
   [RFC5280].  The parameters of these signature algorithms MUST be
   absent, as explained in Section 2.

   The signatureValue field contains the corresponding ML-DSA signature
   computed upon the ASN.1 DER encoded tbsCertificate/tbsCertList

   Conforming Certification Authority (CA) implementations MUST specify
   the algorithms explicitly by using the OIDs specified in Section 2
   when encoding ML-DSA signatures in certificates and CRLs.  Conforming
   client implementations that process certificates and CRLs using ML-
   DSA MUST recognize the corresponding OIDs.  Encoding rules for ML-DSA
   signature values are specified Section 2.

   When the id-ML-DSA identifier appears in the algorithm field as an
   AlgorithmIdentifier, the encoding MUST omit the parameters field.
   That is, the AlgorithmIdentifier SHALL be a SEQUENCE of one
   component, the OID id-ML-DSA.

4.  ML-DSA Public Keys in PKIX

   In the X.509 certificate, the subjectPublicKeyInfo field has the
   SubjectPublicKeyInfo type, which has the following ASN.1 syntax:

     SubjectPublicKeyInfo {PUBLIC-KEY: IOSet} ::= SEQUENCE {
         algorithm        AlgorithmIdentifier {PUBLIC-KEY, {IOSet}},
         subjectPublicKey BIT STRING

      |  NOTE: The above syntax is from [RFC5912] and is compatible with
      |  the 2021 ASN.1 syntax [X680].  See [RFC5280] for the 1988 ASN.1
      |  syntax.

   The fields in SubjectPublicKeyInfo have the following meaning:

   *  algorithm is the algorithm identifier and parameters for the
      public key (see above).

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   *  subjectPublicKey contains the byte stream of the public key.

   Appendix C contains example ML-DSA private keys encoded using the
   textual encoding defined in [RFC7468].

5.  Key Usage Bits

   The intended application for the key is indicated in the keyUsage
   certificate extension; see Section of [RFC5280].  If the
   keyUsage extension is present in a certificate that indicates id-ML-
   DSA in the SubjectPublicKeyInfo, then the at least one of following
   MUST be present:

     digitalSignature; or
     nonRepudiation; or
     keyCertSign; or

   If the keyUsage extension is present in a certificate that indicates
   id-ML-DSA in the SubjectPublicKeyInfo, then the following MUST NOT be

      keyEncipherment; or
      dataEncipherment; or
      keyAgreement; or
      encipherOnly; or

   Requirements about the keyUsage extension bits defined in [RFC5280]
   still apply.

6.  Private Key Format

   An ML-DSA private key is encoded by storing its 32-octet seed in the
   privateKey field as follows.

   [FIPS204] specifies two formats for an ML-DSA private key: a 32-octet
   seed (xi) and an (expanded) private key.  The expanded private key
   (and public key) is computed from the seed using ML-
   DSA.KeyGen_internal(xi) (algorithm 6).

   "Asymmetric Key Packages" [RFC5958] describes how to encode a private
   key in a structure that both identifies what algorithm the private
   key is for and allows for the public key and additional attributes
   about the key to be included as well.  For illustration, the ASN.1
   structure OneAsymmetricKey is replicated below.

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     OneAsymmetricKey ::= SEQUENCE {
       version                  Version,
       privateKeyAlgorithm      SEQUENCE {
       algorithm                PUBLIC-KEY.&id({PublicKeySet}),
       parameters               PUBLIC-KEY.&Params({PublicKeySet}
       privateKey               OCTET STRING (CONTAINING
       attributes           [0] Attributes OPTIONAL,
       [[2: publicKey       [1] BIT STRING (CONTAINING

      |  NOTE: The above syntax is from [RFC5958] and is compatible with
      |  the 2021 ASN.1 syntax [X680].

   When used in a OneAsymmetricKey type, the privateKey OCTET STRING
   contains the raw octet string encoding of the 32-octet seed.  The
   publicKey field SHOULD be omitted because the public key can be
   computed as noted earlier in this section.

   Appendix C contains example ML-DSA private keys encoded using the
   textual encoding defined in [RFC7468].

7.  IANA Considerations

   For the ASN.1 module in {asn1}, IANA is requested to assign an object
   identifier (OID) for the module identifier (TBD1) with a Description
   of "id-mod-x509-ml-dsa-2024".  The OID for the module should be
   allocated in the "SMI Security for PKIX Module Identifier" registry
   ( # Security Considerations

   The Security Considerations section of [RFC5280] applies to this
   specification as well.

   The digital signature scheme defined within this document are modeled
   under strongly existentially unforgeable under chosen message attack
   (SUF-CMA).  For the purpose of estimating security strength, it has
   been assumed that the attacker has access to signatures for no more
   than 2^{64} chosen messages.

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      |  EDNOTE: Discuss deterministic vs randomized signing and the
      |  impact on security.

   ML-DSA offers both deterministic and randomized signing.  By default
   ML-DSA signatures are non-deterministic.  The private random seed
   (rho') for the signature is pseudorandomly derived from the signer’s
   private key, the message, and a 256-bit string, rnd - where rnd
   should be generated by an approved RBG.  In the deterministic
   version, rng is instead a 256-bit constant string.  The source of
   randomness in the randomized mode has been "hedged" against sources
   of poor entropy, by including the signers private key and message
   into the derivation.  The primary purpose of rnd is to facilitate
   countermeasures to side-channel attacks and fault attacks on
   deterministic signatures.

      |  EDNOTE: Discuss side-channels for ML-DSA.

   In the design of ML-DSA, care has been taken to make side-channel
   resilience easier to achieve.  For instance, ML-DSA does not depend
   on Gaussian sampling.  Implementations must still take great care not
   to leak information via varius side channels.  While deliberate
   design decisions such as these can help to deliver a greater ease of
   secure implementation - particularly against side-channel attacks -
   it does not necessarily provide resistance to more powerful attacks
   such as differential power analysis.  Some amount of side-channel
   leakage has been demonstrated in parts of the signing algorithm
   (specifically the bit-unpacking function), from which a demonstration
   of key recovery has been made over a large sample of signatures.
   Masking countermeasures exist for ML-DSA, but come with a performance

   A fundamental security property also associated with digital
   signatures is non-repudiation.  Non-repudiation refers to the
   assurance that the owner of a signature key pair that was capable of
   generating an existing signature corresponding to certain data cannot
   convincingly deny having signed the data.  The digital signature
   scheme ML-DSA possess three security properties beyond
   unforgeability, that are associated with non-repudiation.  These are
   exclusive ownership, message-bound signatures, and non-resignability.
   These properties are based tightly on the assumed collision
   resistance of the hash function used (in this case SHAKE-256).

   Exclusive ownership is a property in which a signature sigma uniquely
   determines the public key and message for which it is valid.
   Message-bound signatures is the property that a valid signature
   uniquely determines the message for which it is valid, but not
   necessarily the public key.  Non-resignability is the property in
   which one cannot produce a valid signature under another key given a

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   signature sigma for some unknown message m.  These properties are not
   provided by classical signature schemes such as DSA or ECDSA, and
   have led to a variety of attacks such as Duplicate-Signature Key
   Selection (DSKS) attacks , and attacks on the protocols for secure
   routing.  A full discussion of these properties in ML-DSA can be
   found at [CDFFJ21].

   These properties are dependent, in part, on unambiguous public key
   serialization.  It for this reason the public key structure defined
   in Section 4 is intentionally encoded as a single OCTET STRING.

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

   [FIPS204]  National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
              "Module-Lattice-based Digital Signature Standard", FIPS
              PUB 204, August 2023, <

              S, B., R, A., and D. Van Geest, "Use of the ML-DSA
              Signature Algorithm in the Cryptographic Message Syntax
              (CMS)", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-salter-
              lamps-cms-ml-dsa-00, 14 October 2024,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC5280]  Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S.,
              Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
              (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, DOI 10.17487/RFC5280, May 2008,

   [RFC5912]  Hoffman, P. and J. Schaad, "New ASN.1 Modules for the
              Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509 (PKIX)", RFC 5912,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5912, June 2010,

   [RFC5958]  Turner, S., "Asymmetric Key Packages", RFC 5958,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5958, August 2010,

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   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [X680]     ITU-T, "Information Technology -- Abstract Syntax Notation
              One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation", ITU-T
              Recommendation X.680, ISO/IEC 8824-1:2021, February 2021,

   [X690]     ITU-T, "Information Technology -- Abstract Syntax Notation
              One (ASN.1): ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic
              Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and
              Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)", ITU-T
              Recommendation X.690, ISO/IEC 8825-1:2021, February 2021,

8.2.  Informative References

   [CDFFJ21]  Cremers, C., Düzlü, S., Fiedler, R., Fischlin, M., and C.
              Janson, "BUFFing signature schemes beyond unforgeability
              and the case of post-quantum signatures", In Proceedings
              of the 42nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy , 2021,

              Bai, S., Ducas, L., Lepoint, T., Lyubashevsky, V.,
              Schwabe, P., Seiler, G., and D. Stehlé, "CRYSTALS-
              Dilithium Algorithm Specifications and Supporting
              Documentation", 2021, <https://pq-

              Lyubashevsky, V., "Fiat-Shamir with aborts: Applications
              to lattice and factoring-based signatures", International
              Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and
              Information Security , 2009,

   [NIST-PQC] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
              "Post-Quantum Cryptography Project", 20 December 2016,

   [RFC7468]  Josefsson, S. and S. Leonard, "Textual Encodings of PKIX,
              PKCS, and CMS Structures", RFC 7468, DOI 10.17487/RFC7468,
              April 2015, <>.

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Appendix A.  ASN.1 Module

   This appendix includes the ASN.1 module [X680] for the ML-DSA.  Note
   that as per [RFC5280], certificates use the Distinguished Encoding
   Rules; see [X690].  This module imports objects from [RFC5912] and

      |  RFC EDITOR: Please replace TBD2 with the value assigned by IANA
      |  during the publication of [I-D.salter-lamps-cms-ml-dsa].  Also
      |  please replace [I-D.salter-lamps-cms-ml-dsa] in the module with
      |  a reference to the published RFC.

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   { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6)
     internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0)
     id-mod-x509-ml-dsa-2024(TBD1) }





     FROM AlgorithmInformation-2009 -- From [RFC5912]
       { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1)
         security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0)
         id-mod-algorithmInformation-02(58) }

   sa-ml-dsa-44, sa-ml-dsa-65, sa-ml-dsa-87,
   pk-ml-dsa-44, pk-ml-dsa-65, pk-ml-dsa-87
     FROM ML-DSA-Module-2024 -- From [I-D.salter-lamps-cms-ml-dsa]
        { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) pkcs9(9)
          id-smime(16) id-mod(0) id-mod-ml-dsa-2024(TBD2) } ;

   -- Expand SignatureAlgorithms from RFC 5912
   SignatureAlgorithms SIGNATURE-ALGORITHM ::= {
     sa-ml-dsa-44 |
     sa-ml-dsa-65 |
     ... }

   -- Expand SignatureAlgorithms from RFC 5912
   PublicKeys PUBLIC-KEY ::= {
     pk-ml-dsa-44 |
     pk-ml-dsa-65 |


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Appendix B.  Security Strengths

   Instead of defining the strength of a quantum algorithm in a
   traditional manner using the imprecise notion of bits of security,
   NIST has instead elected to define security levels by picking a
   reference scheme, which NIST expects to offer notable levels of
   resistance to both quantum and classical attack.  To wit, an
   algorithm that achieves NIST PQC security level 1 must require
   computational resources to break the relevant security property,
   which are greater than those required for a brute-force key search on
   AES-128.  Levels 3 and 5 use AES-192 and AES-256 as reference
   respectively.  Levels 2 and 4 use collision search for SHA-256 and
   SHA-384 as reference.

   The parameter sets defined for NIST security levels 2, 3 and 5 are
   listed in the Figure 1, along with the resulting signature size,
   public key, and private key sizes in bytes.

   | Level | (k,l) | eta |  Sig.  | Public | Private|
   |       |       |     |  (B)   | Key(B) | Key(B) |
   |   2   | (4,4) |  2  |  2420  |  1312  |  32    |
   |   3   | (6,5) |  4  |  3309  |  1952  |  32    |
   |   5   | (8,7) |  2  |  4627  |  2592  |  32    |

                        Figure 1: ML-DSA Parameters

Appendix C.  Examples

   This appendix contains examples of ML-DSA public keys, private keys
   and certificates.

C.1.  Example Private Key

   The following is an example of a ML-DSA-44 private key with hex seed

   -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
   -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

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   0  49: SEQUENCE {
   2   1:   INTEGER 0
   5  10:   SEQUENCE {
   7   8:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER '2.16.840.'
        :     }
   17 32:   OCTET STRING
              00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07-08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f
              10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17-18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f
        :   }

   The following is an example of a ML-DSA-65 private key with hex seed

   -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
   -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

   0  49: SEQUENCE {
   2   1:   INTEGER 0
   5  10:   SEQUENCE {
   7   8:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER '2.16.840.'
        :     }
   17 32:   OCTET STRING
              00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07-08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f
              10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17-18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f
        :   }

   The following is an example of a ML-DSA-87 private key with hex seed

   -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
   -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

   0  49: SEQUENCE {
   2   1:   INTEGER 0
   5  10:   SEQUENCE {
   7   8:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER '2.16.840.'
        :     }
   17 32:   OCTET STRING
              00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07-08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f
              10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17-18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f
        : }

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   NOTE: The private key is the seed and all three examples keys use the
   same seed; therefore, the private above are the same except for the
   OID used to represent the ML-DSA algorithm's security strength.

C.2.  Example Public Key

   The following is the ML-KEM-44 public key corresponding to the
   private key in the previous section.

   -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
   -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

   0  1329: SEQUENCE {
   4    10:   SEQUENCE {
   6     8:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER '2.16.840.'
          :     }
   16 1313:   BIT STRING
                00 d7 b2 b4 72 54 aa e0 db 45 e7 93 0d 4a 98 d2
                c9 7d 8f 13 97 d1 78 9d af a1 70 24 b3 16 e9 be
                c9 4f c9 94 6d 42 f1 9b 79 a7 41 3b ba a3 3e 71

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                49 cb 42 ed 51 15 69 3a c0 41 fa cb 98 8a de b5
                fe 0e 1d 86 31 18 49 95 b5 92 c3 97 d2 29 4e 2e
                14 f9 0a a4 14 ba 38 26 89 9a c4 3f 4c cc ac bc
                26 e9 a8 32 b9 51 18 d5 cb 43 3c be f9 66 0b 00
                13 8e 08 17 f6 1e 76 2c a2 74 c3 6a d5 54 eb 22
                aa c1 16 2e 4a b0 1a cb a1 e3 8c 4e fd 8f 80 b6
                5b 33 3d 0f 72 e5 5d fe 71 ce 9c 1e bb 98 89 e7
                c5 61 06 c0 fd 73 80 3a 2a ec fe af de d7 aa 3c
                b2 ce da 54 d1 2b d8 cd 36 a7 8c f9 75 94 3b 47
                ab d2 5e 88 0a c4 52 e5 74 2e d1 e8 d1 a8 2a fa
                86 e5 90 c7 58 c1 5a e4 d2 84 0d 92 bc a1 a5 09
                0f 40 49 65 97 fc a7 d8 b9 51 3f 1a 1b da 6e 95
                0a aa 98 de 46 75 07 d4 a4 f5 a4 f0 59 92 16 58
                2c 35 72 f6 2e da 89 05 ab 35 81 67 0c 4a 02 77
                7a 33 e0 ca 72 95 fd 8f 4f f6 d1 a0 a3 a7 68 3d
                65 f5 f5 f7 fc 60 da 02 3e 82 6c 5f 92 14 4c 02
                f7 d1 ba 10 75 98 75 53 ea 93 67 fc d7 6d 99 0b
                7f a9 9c d4 5a fd b8 83 6d 43 e4 59 f5 18 7d f0
                58 47 97 09 a0 1e a6 83 59 35 fa 70 46 09 90 cd
                3d c1 ba 40 1b a9 4b ab 1d de 41 ac 67 ab 33 19
                dc ac a0 60 48 d4 c4 ee f2 7e e1 3a 9c 17 d0 53
                8f 43 0f 2d 64 2d c2 41 56 60 de 78 87 7d 8d 8a
                bc 72 52 39 78 c0 42 e4 28 5f 43 19 84 6c 44 12
                62 42 97 68 44 c1 0e 55 6b a2 15 b5 a7 19 e5 9d
                0c 6b 2a 96 d3 98 59 07 1f dc c2 cd e7 52 4a 7b
                ed ae 54 e8 5b 31 8e 85 4e 8f e2 b2 f3 ed fa c9
                71 91 28 27 0a af d1 e5 04 4c 3a 4f da fd 9f f3
                1f 90 78 4b 8e 8e 45 96 14 4a 0d af 58 65 11 d3
                d9 96 2b 9e a9 5a f1 97 b4 e5 fc 60 f2 b1 ed 15
                de 3a 5b ef 5f 89 bd c7 9d 91 05 1d 9b 28 16 e7
                4f a5 45 31 ef dc 1c be 74 d4 48 85 7f 47 6b cd
                58 f2 1c 0b 65 3b 3b 76 a4 e0 76 a6 55 9a 30 27
                18 55 5c c6 3f 74 85 9a ab ab 92 5f 02 38 61 ca
                8c d0 f7 ba db 28 71 f6 7d 55 32 6d 74 51 13 5a
                d4 5f 4a 1b a6 91 18 fb b2 c8 a3 0e ec 93 92 ef
                3f 97 70 66 c9 ad d5 c7 10 cc 64 7b 15 14 d2 17
                d9 58 c7 01 7c 3e 90 fd 20 c0 4e 67 4b 90 48 6e
                93 70 a3 1a 00 1d 32 f4 73 97 9e 49 06 74 9e 7e
                47 7f a0 b7 45 08 f8 a5 f2 37 83 12 b8 3c 25 bd
                38 8c a0 b0 ff f7 47 8b af 42 b7 16 67 ed aa c9
                7c 46 b1 29 64 3e 58 6e 5b 05 5a 0c 21 19 46 d4
                f3 6e 67 5b ed 58 60 fa 04 2a 31 5d 98 26 16 4d
                6a 92 37 c3 5a 5f bf 49 54 90 a5 bd 4d f2 48 b9
                5c 4a ae 77 84 b6 05 67 31 66 ac 42 45 b5 b4 b0
                82 a0 9e 93 23 e6 2f 20 78 c5 b7 67 83 44 6d ef
                d7 36 ad 3a 37 02 d4 9b 08 98 44 90 0a 61 83 33
                97 bc 44 19 b3 0d 7a 97 a0 b3 87 c1 91 14 74 c4
                d4 1b 53 e3 2a 97 7a cb 6f 0e a7 5d b6 5b b3 9e

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                59 e7 01 e7 69 57 de f6 f2 d4 45 59 c3 1a 77 12
                2b 52 04 e3 b5 c2 19 f1 68 8b 14 ed 0b c0 b8 01
                b3 e6 e8 2d cd 43 e9 c0 e9 f4 17 44 cd 98 15 bd
                1b c8 82 0d 8b b1 23 f0 4f ac d1 b1 b6 85 dd 5a
                2b 1b 8d bb f3 ed 93 36 70 f0 95 a1 80 b4 f1 92
                d0 8b 10 b8 fa bb df cc 2b 24 51 8e 32 ee a0 a5
                e0 c9 04 ca 84 47 80 08 3f 3b 0c d2 d0 b8 b6 af
                67 bc 35 5b 94 94 02 5d c7 b0 a7 8f a8 0e 3a 2d
                bf eb 51 32 88 51 d6 07 81 98 e9 49 36 51 ae 78
                7e c0 25 1f 92 2b a3 0e 9f 51 df 62 a6 d7 27 84
                cf 3d d2 05 39 31 76 df a3 24 a5 12 bd 94 97 0a
                36 dd 34 a5 14 a8 67 91 f0 eb 36 f0 14 5b 09 ab
                64 65 1b 4a 03 13 b2 99 61 1a 2a 1c 48 89 16 27
                59 87 68 a3 11 40 60 ba 44 43 48 6d f5 15 22 a1
                ce 88 b3 09 85 c2 16 f8 e6 ed 17 8d d5 67 b3 04
                a0 d4 ca fb a8 82 a2 83 42 f1 7a 9a a2 6a e5 8d
                b6 30 08 3d 2c 35 8f df 56 6c 3f 5d 62 a4 28 56
                7b c9 ea 8c e9 5c aa 0f 35 47 4b 0b fa 8f 33 9a
                25 0a b4 df cf 20 83 be 8e ef bc 10 55 e1 8f e1
                53 70 ee cb 26 05 66 d8 3f f0 6b 21 1a ae c4 3c
                a2 9b 54 cc d0 0f 88 15 a2 46 5e f0 b4 65 15 cc
                7e 41 f3 12 4f 09 ef ff 73 93 09 ab 58 b2 9a 14
                59 a0 0b ce 50 38 e9 38 c9 67 8f 72 eb 0e 4e e5
                fd aa e6 6d 9f 85 73 fc 97 fc 42 b4 95 9f 4b f8
                b6 1d 78 43 3e 86 b0 33 5d 6e 91 91 c4 d8 bf 48
                7b 39 05 c1 08 cf d6 ac 24 b0 ce b7 dc b7 cf 51
                f8 4d 0e d6 87 b9 5e ae b1 c5 33 c0 6f 0d 97 02
                3d 92 a7 08 25 83 7b 59 ba 6c b7 d4 e5 6b 0a 87
                c2 03 86 2a e8 f3 15 ba 59 25 e8 ed ef a6 79 36
                9a 22 02 76 61 51 f1 6a 96 5f 9f 81 ec e7 6c c0
                70 b5 58 69 e4 db 97 84 cf 05 c8 30 b3 24 2c 83
          :   }

   The following is the ML-KEM-65 public key corresponding to the
   private key in the previous section.

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Internet-Draft           ML-DSA in Certificates            November 2024

   -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
   -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

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Internet-Draft           ML-DSA in Certificates            November 2024

   0  1969: SEQUENCE {
   4    10:   SEQUENCE {
   6     8:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER '2.16.840.'
          :     }
   16 1953:   BIT STRING
                00 48 68 3d 91 97 8e 31 eb 3d dd b8 b0 47 34 82
                d2 b8 8a 5f 62 59 49 fd 8f 58 a5 61 e6 96 bd 4c
                27 d0 5b 38 db b2 ed f0 1e 66 4e fd 81 be 1e a8
                93 68 8c e6 8a a2 d5 1c 59 58 f8 bb c6 eb 4e 89
                ee 67 d2 c0 32 09 54 d5 72 12 ca c7 22 9f f1 d6
                ea f0 39 28 bd 51 51 1f 8d 88 d8 47 73 6c 7d e2
                73 0d 59 78 e5 41 07 13 16 09 78 86 77 11 bf 55
                39 a0 bf c4 c3 50 c2 be 57 2b af 0e e2 e2 fb 16
                cc fe a0 80 28 d9 9a c4 9a eb b7 59 37 dd ce 11
                1c da b6 2f ff 3c ea 8b a2 23 3d 1e 56 fb c5 c5
                a1 e7 26 de 63 fa dd 2a f0 16 b1 19 17 7f a3 d9
                71 a2 d9 27 71 73 fc e5 5b 67 74 5a f0 b7 c2 1d
                59 7d be b9 3e 6a 32 f3 41 c4 9a 5a 8b e9 e8 25
                08 8d 1f 2a a4 51 55 d6 c8 ae 15 36 7e 4e b0 03
                b8 fd f7 85 10 71 94 97 39 f9 ff f0 90 23 ea f4
                51 04 d2 a8 4a 45 90 6e ed 46 71 a4 4d c2 8d 27
                98 7b b5 5d f6 9e 9e 85 61 f6 1a 80 a7 26 99 50
                38 65 fe d9 b7 ee 72 a8 e1 7a 19 c4 08 14 4f 4b
                29 af ef 70 31 c3 a6 d8 57 16 10 b4 2c 9f 42 12
                45 a8 8f 19 7e 16 81 2b 03 11 59 b6 5b 96 87 e5
                b3 e9 34 c5 22 5a e9 8a 79 ba 73 d2 b3 99 d7 35
                10 ef fa d1 9e 53 b8 45 0f 0b a8 fc e1 01 2f d9
                8d 26 0a 74 aa aa 13 fa e2 49 a0 06 b1 c3 4f 5b
                a0 b8 82 f2 63 78 22 2f b3 6f 22 83 c2 43 f0 ff
                eb 5f 1b b4 14 a0 a7 0d 55 e3 d4 0a 56 b6 cb c8
                8a e1 f0 3b 7b 28 82 d9 8d ee a2 8e 14 5c 9d ed
                fd 8e af 1c ef 2e d9 4a 8b 05 0f 89 64 f4 6d 1e
                a0 d0 c2 a4 3e 0d da 61 82 ad bf 4f 6e d1 75 b6
                74 22 57 85 9b f2 2f 3a 41 7e cf 1f 9d 89 31 7b
                5e 53 9d 58 7a f1 6b 9e 13 13 e0 45 14 ff a6 4b
                a8 b3 ff 2b 83 21 f8 81 1c b3 fb 02 2c 8f 64 4e
                70 a4 b8 0a 2f bf ee 60 4a bb 73 79 09 1e a8 e6
                c5 c7 4d fc 02 83 66 6b 40 c0 79 38 70 02 82 04
                a1 36 bf 5d a9 56 8e b7 98 d3 49 03 8b db 0c 11
                e0 34 45 e7 84 7c b5 06 9c 75 cf 28 ac 60 1c 77
                99 d9 58 21 0d db cb 22 6e 51 af ef 9f 1d e4 7b
                07 38 73 d6 d3 f9 74 56 be de 08 50 82 e7 4a 29
                8b 2c d4 8f 4b 30 93 15 5f 36 6c 8f a6 01 c6 af
                85 8d fa 32 c0 84 91 b2 a2 98 87 f9 03 35 94 9a
                5d 6e da a6 79 88 2a 3a 95 d6 bf 6d 97 0a 22 1f
                4b 9d 3d 8c bf 38 4a f8 1a ac 95 e2 b3 29 4e 04
                78 9a c8 37 27 a5 dc 04 55 9f 96 af 41 d8 a0 53
                51 6f ee ee bc 52 74 6e b6 ab 28 19 e0 91 08 71

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                0d 83 5f 01 1f a6 30 65 87 2a d3 34 d5 cd ff b2
                b2 31 05 07 e9 2f c9 93 ae 31 7d a9 7f 4f 30 9c
                da f0 f6 7e d9 9d 90 21 55 76 08 38 49 f9 53 b2
                46 d7 fe db 3f db 67 67 98 50 a5 ad 40 4e 64 14
                7f b7 cf 4f 6a ed dd 05 af b4 b8 34 96 8d 1f e8
                80 14 96 0d ce 5d 94 22 36 52 6e 12 a4 78 d6 9e
                5f be 69 70 31 0b 30 8c 06 84 50 18 cf c7 b2 ab
                43 0a 13 a6 b1 ac 7b b0 2c cc bb 3d 91 1a c2 f1
                10 68 61 3f be 02 9b fd ce 02 cf 5c d3 89 50 ed
                72 c8 39 44 ed fb c7 56 15 af 87 f8 64 c0 51 f3
                c5 54 56 c5 41 28 63 a4 0c 06 d1 da b5 62 bd ff
                05 71 b8 d3 c3 91 7b bd 30 08 80 bb a5 e9 98 23
                9b 95 fa 91 b7 d6 41 6d 4f 39 8b 3a db cd 30 98
                3e d3 59 2b 4d 9e f7 d4 23 6f d0 0f 50 d9 8a a5
                3a 23 5a c4 17 27 20 f7 7d 96 17 26 72 98 0c fe
                8f f7 a5 a7 02 78 3e dc 2b a3 1b 22 59 01 5a 11
                2f c7 f4 68 a9 c2 f9 46 40 39 00 2d 30 ef 67 8b
                4c b7 98 bc 11 62 16 bf 7a 9a 7c 18 ba 03 b7 b5
                8f d0 75 15 d3 11 50 49 d3 61 4b e7 a0 7e 74 43
                00 75 0d f1 d2 c5 87 53 38 90 59 ea fc 3d 78 5c
                cd d3 1c 07 64 8b ed c0 3a 5c 3b 8a d4 6d 06 4d
                59 c1 3d 57 37 47 29 fc 4e 29 53 62 e2 a5 19 12
                04 53 04 28 bc 15 22 af a2 8f f5 fe 16 55 e3 04
                ca 5b c8 c2 7a d0 e0 c6 a3 9d d4 df 28 95 6c 14
                b3 8c c9 36 82 ce fe 40 2b bd 5e 82 d2 9c 46 4e
                44 eb 5d 37 b4 8f c5 68 df e0 cc 6e 8e 16 ba ea
                05 e5 13 55 90 f1 92 94 e7 3e 83 67 b0 21 6d bb
                81 50 30 b9 de 55 91 3f 08 03 9c 42 35 1c 59 e5
                51 5d d5 af 8e 08 9a 15 e6 25 e8 f6 de e6 39 38
                6c 46 49 7d 7a 26 32 88 77 4d e5 81 a7 de 96 29
                b4 1b 44 24 14 1f 97 8f b8 33 12 08 ef de c3 c6
                e0 de 39 bc 57 06 3f 3d cd 6c 47 03 73 c0 88 91
                ea 29 cb c7 cc 6d 64 83 b8 88 90 83 ac e8 6a a7
                b5 1b 1c 2c fe 6e 2a d1 8d 97 ce 36 fb c5 6e a4
                2f ae 97 e6 a7 ac 11 48 64 47 8c 36 6d f1 eb b1
                e7 b1 1a 90 98 50 4f d5 97 5b df 1f 49 dc 70 00
                2b 63 c1 73 9a 9d 26 3f ba d4 07 3f 6a 9f 6c 2b
                8a f4 b4 c3 32 a1 03 a0 cf fa 5d ee b2 d0 62 ca
                3c 21 5f d3 60 02 6b e7 c5 16 4f 4a 44 24 ef 74
                94 88 04 d6 6f 46 48 77 32 c8 20 2c 79 54 78 64
                7b 4e a7 1d 62 7c 08 60 24 cc a3 54 a4 1f 08 77
                b3 8f 19 b3 77 4a d2 09 5c 8d a5 3b 06 9e 21 c7
                6a e2 d2 00 7e 16 71 9e d4 00 80 d3 34 f7 da 52
                e9 f5 a5 99 04 39 ca f0 83 a9 5b 83 3f 02 ad 10
                a0 8c 1a 6d 0f 26 0c 00 72 85 bd 4a 2f 47 70 3a
                5a ef 46 52 87 d2 53 b1 8a c2 25 14 31 62 10 ff
                56 68 14 b1 0f 87 a2 93 d6 f1 99 d3 c3 95 99 90
                d0 c1 26 8b 4f 50 d5 f9 fc ef bb f2 37 bd 0c 28

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                b8 01 82 d6 65 97 41 f1 4f 10 bf bb 21 bb a1 2a
                b6 20 aa 23 96 f5 6c 06 86 b4 ea 90 17 99 02 24
                21 6b 2f e8 ad 76 c4 a9 14 8e ef 9a 86 a3 63 5a
                6a a7 7b c1 dc fb 6f ba 59 a7 7d fd a9 b7 53 0d
                c0 ca 86 48 c8 d9 73 73 8e 01 ba b8 f0 8b 49 05
                e8 4a a4 64 1b d6 02 41 0c d9 75 20 26 5f 2f 23
                1f 2b 35 e1 5e b2 fa 04 d2 bd 94 d5 a7 7a ba f1
                e0 e1 61 01 0a 99 00 87 f5 b4 6e a9 88 b2 bc 05
                12 fd a0 fa 92 3d ad d6 c4 5c 53 01 d0 94 83 67
                32 65 b5 ab 2e 10 f4 ba 52 0f 6b ba d5 64 a5 c3
                d5 e2 7b db 08 0f 7d 20 e1 32 96 a3 18 19 54 c3
                9c 64 9c 94 3e be 17 df 5c 1f 7a ae 0a 8f e1 26
                c4 77 58 5a 5d 4d 64 8a 0d 00 8b 6a f5 e8 cd 31
                be 69 a9 29 6d 4f 3f d2 5e d8 6f 22 1e 4b 93 f6
                5f 59 29 96 75 33 62 4b 92 35 75 0c 30 70 75 50
                b5 85 36 d1 09 a7 13 1c 5a 5b be 4a 57 15 56 7c
                12 53 4a ec 76 60 76 1e eb b9 fa e2 89 1c 77 45
                89 b8 0e 56 6a d5 57 dd ef 73 67 19 6b 72 27 ea
                98 70 ef 09 dd fe c7 9d 6b 93 19 a6 87 9b 52 05
                d7 6b f7 ab a5 ac f3 3a fb 59 d1 7f c5 4e 68 38
                3d 6b e5 a0 8e 9b 66 da 53 dc de 00 8b b2 94 b8
                58 2b d1 32 cd cc 49 95 9f db c2 1e 52 72 18 80
                c8 ad 03 52 c7 9f 03 a4 3b bd 84 c4 cd fd c6 c5
                29 00 5e 1e 7c d9 a3 49 a7 16 8a 35 56 9b a5 de
                a8 18 96 8d 5a 91 46 6b d6 e6 4e 20 bf 62 41 71
                98 af c4 e8 1c 28 dd 77 ed 40 28 23 23 98 b5 2f
                bd e8 6b c8 4f 47 5b 90 16 71 0c e2 aa bc 11 a0
                6b 4d ba c9 01 ec 16 cf 36 5c a3 f2 d5 38 13 94
                8a 69 3a 0f 93 e7 9c 46 ca 5d 5a 6d ca 3d 28 ca
                50 ad 18 bd 13 fc a5 50 59 dd 9b 18 5f 79 f9 c4
                71 96 a4 e8 1b 21 04 bc 46 0a 05 1e 02 f2 e8 44
          :   }

   The following is the ML-KEM-87 public key corresponding to the
   private key in the previous section.

   -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----

Massimo, et al.            Expires 8 May 2025                  [Page 21]
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   -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Massimo, et al.            Expires 8 May 2025                  [Page 22]
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   0  2609: SEQUENCE {
   4    10:   SEQUENCE {
   6     8:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER '2.16.840.'
          :     }
   16 2593:   BIT STRING
                00 97 92 bc ec 2f 24 30 68 6a 82 fc cf 3c 2f 5f
                f6 65 e7 71 d7 ab 41 b9 02 58 cf a7 e9 0e c9 71
                24 a7 3b 32 3b 9b a2 1a b6 4d 76 7c 43 3f 5a 52
                1e ff e1 8f 86 e4 6a 18 89 52 c4 46 7e 04 8b 72
                9e 7f c4 d1 15 e7 e4 8d a1 89 6d 5f e1 19 b1 0d
                cd de f6 2c b3 07 95 40 74 b4 23 36 e5 28 36 de
                61 da 94 1f 8d 37 ea 68 ac 81 06 fa be 19 07 06
                79 af 60 08 53 71 20 f7 07 93 b8 ea 9c c0 e6 e7
                b7 b4 c9 a5 c7 42 1c 60 f2 44 51 ba 1e 93 3d b1
                a2 ee 16 c7 95 59 f2 1b 3d 1b 83 05 85 0a a4 2a
                fb b1 3f 1f 4d 5b 9f 48 35 f9 d8 7d fc eb 16 2d
                0e f4 a7 fd c4 cb a1 74 3c d1 c8 7b b4 96 7d a1
                6c c8 76 4b 65 69 df 8e e5 bd cb ff e9 a4 e0 57
                48 e6 fd f2 25 af 9e 4e eb 77 73 b6 2e 8f 85 f9
                b5 6b 54 89 45 55 18 44 fb d8 98 06 a4 ac 36 9b
                ed 2d 25 61 00 f6 88 a6 ad 5e 0a 70 98 26 dc 44
                49 e9 1e 23 c5 50 6e 64 23 61 ef 5a 31 37 12 f7
                9b c4 b3 18 68 61 ca 85 a4 ba b1 7e 7f 94 3d 1b
                8a 33 3a a3 ae 7c e1 6b 44 0d 60 18 f9 e0 4d af
                57 25 c7 f1 a9 3f ad 1a 5a 27 b6 78 95 bd 24 9a
                a9 16 85 de 20 af 32 c8 b7 e2 68 c7 f9 68 77 d0
                c8 50 01 13 5a 4f 0a 8f 1b 82 64 fa 6e be 5a 34
                9d 8a ec ad 1a 16 29 9c cf 2f d9 c7 b8 5b ac e2
                ce d3 aa 12 76 ba 61 ee 78 ed 7e 5c a5 b6 7c dd
                45 8a 93 54 03 0e 6a bb ba bf 56 a0 a2 31 6f ec
                9d ba 83 b5 1d 42 fd 31 67 f1 e0 f9 08 55 d5 c6
                65 09 b2 10 26 5d c1 e5 4e c4 4b 43 ba 7c f9 ae
                f1 18 b4 4d 80 91 2c e7 51 66 a6 65 1e 11 6c eb
                e4 92 29 a7 06 2c 09 93 1f 71 ab d2 29 3f 76 f7
                ef c3 21 5b a9 78 00 03 7e 58 e4 70 bd bb b4 3c
                1b 04 39 ea f7 9c 54 d9 3b 44 aa c9 ef e9 fb e1
                51 87 4c fb 2a 64 cb ee 28 cc 4c 0f e7 77 5e 5d
                87 0f 1c 02 e5 b2 e3 c5 00 4c 99 5f 24 c9 b7 79
                cb 75 3a 27 7d 0e 71 fd 42 5e b6 bc 2c a5 6c e1
                29 db 51 f7 07 40 f3 1e 63 97 6b 50 c7 31 2e 97
                97 d7 8c 5b 1a c2 4a 5f a3 47 cc 91 6e 0a 83 f5
                c3 b6 75 cd 30 b8 1e 3f a1 0b 93 44 4e 07 39 75
                71 cc e9 8b 28 da 51 db 90 56 bc 72 8c 5b 0b 11
                81 e2 fb d3 87 b4 c7 9a b1 a5 fe fe ce 37 16 7a
                f7 72 dd ad 14 eb 4c 39 82 da 5a 59 d0 e9 eb 17
                3e c6 31 50 91 17 00 27 a3 ab 5e f6 aa 12 9c b8
                58 57 27 b9 35 8a 28 50 1d 71 3a 72 f3 f1 db 31
                71 42 86 f9 b6 40 80 13 af 06 04 5d 75 59 2f c0

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                b7 dd 47 c7 3e d9 c7 5b 11 e9 d7 c6 9f 7c ad fc
                32 80 a9 06 2c 52 73 c4 3b e1 c3 4f 87 44 88 64
                ce a7 b5 c9 7d 6d 32 f5 9b d5 f2 53 84 65 3b b5
                c4 fa a4 5b ea 8b 89 40 28 43 e6 45 b6 b9 26 9e
                2b d9 88 dd ac b0 33 32 8f fb 06 04 50 f7 df 08
                00 53 e6 96 9b 25 1e 87 5e ce c3 2c fc 59 28 40
                d6 9a b6 9a 75 e0 6b 37 9c 53 5d 95 26 6b 08 2f
                4f 09 c9 31 62 b3 3b 0d 9f 73 07 a4 ea aa 52 10
                44 37 fe d6 6f 8e e3 ea bb d4 5d 67 b2 5a 81 33
                f4 96 46 8b 52 ba ff db fa d9 3e ef 1a 98 18 b5
                e4 2e c7 22 78 8a 3d 8d 35 29 fc 77 7d 2b a5 70
                80 1d fa e0 1e c8 83 02 83 7c 1f b9 e0 35 57 27
                64 5e e1 04 6c 3f 91 5f 6a e8 2d ad 4f b6 b0 35
                6a 46 51 8f fc 83 41 55 c3 b4 fe 6d af a6 cc 8a
                5c cf 53 c7 3a 08 49 d8 d4 4f 7d cf 72 75 4e 70
                e1 b7 df b4 47 bb 4e f4 9d 1a 71 8f 61 71 bb ce
                20 09 50 e0 ce 92 61 06 b1 51 a3 e8 71 d5 ce 49
                73 1b d6 65 0a 9b 0c a9 72 da 1c 5f 13 6d 44 82
                0e a6 38 3c 08 f3 b3 84 cf 23 38 e7 89 c5 13 f6
                18 cc 56 94 a6 f0 ce e1 04 51 1e 1e d7 c5 f2 3a
                1e bf d8 a0 db 84 24 55 32 40 15 6d bf 62 28 31
                b0 c6 43 d1 c5 51 b6 f3 f7 a9 8d 29 b8 5c 2d e0
                5a 65 fa 61 5e ee 16 49 5b d9 07 37 67 21 15 b5
                3e 91 c5 d9 00 28 cf 3f 1a 93 95 3a 15 3d e5 3b
                44 08 4e 9c cf f6 b7 36 69 39 26 da ef eb b2 d7
                7a a5 ad 68 9b 92 f3 16 86 66 9d f1 6d 17 15 cc
                58 f7 a2 cf b7 2d d1 a5 1e 92 f8 25 99 3a 74 02
                2b e7 e9 eb 60 54 65 44 57 09 4d 14 92 8f 20 21
                5e 7b 22 2a c5 6b 51 ad be c8 d8 bd b6 98 39 79
                a7 e3 a2 1b 44 b5 d1 51 8c a9 7d 0b 51 95 f5 1e
                d6 a2 43 50 c8 97 47 e1 ed ea 51 b4 48 e3 e9 14
                70 54 ce 92 78 73 c9 0d b3 94 d8 68 88 e0 7d ff
                17 75 93 d6 f7 9e 15 23 02 20 4a eb 03 be 23 86
                af 3e 24 07 8b d0 28 b1 68 9f 5e 14 7c 9f 45 2c
                8c eb 02 ec 59 cc 9d b6 3a 03 57 6c ee af e9 82
                39 02 38 97 da 02 36 63 0a 53 c0 de 7f 43 5a 19
                86 97 92 fa b3 6e 7b 9e 63 57 60 f0 90 69 e6 43
                2e 70 00 35 ac 2a 02 87 9f ff 0a 1e 1b ec 52 20
                47 19 3d 94 eb 5d f1 ef d5 3e ea 11 44 ca 78 94
                08 52 f5 ec 97 27 90 4b 36 6e de 4f 5e 2d 33 1f
                ad 5f c2 82 ea 2c 47 e9 23 14 27 71 c3 dd 75 a8
                73 57 48 7d ef 99 e5 f1 8e 9d 9e d6 23 c1 75 d0
                28 88 c5 1f 82 c0 7a 80 d5 47 16 b3 c3 c2 bd be
                2e 9f 0a 9b ba ae be b4 d5 29 36 87 64 06 f5 c0
                0e 8e 4b bd 0a 5e c0 57 97 e6 20 7c 5a b6 c8 8f
                1a 68 84 21 bd 05 a1 14 f4 d7 de 2a c2 41 fa 0e
                8b ed ff 47 f7 62 dd cb ea a9 10 04 f8 d3 1e 85
                09 5c 81 05 49 94 ad 38 26 e3 44 ba 96 04 08 10

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                fc 0b 2a d1 de 48 cf ad e0 02 c6 2e 5a 49 a0 73
                1a b3 83 44 bc 16 36 df 16 bf 60 7d 56 85 5e 56
                d6 84 00 3c 71 8e 4b ad 9e 5a 09 99 79 fc dd ee
                b1 c4 a7 77 6c d3 7a 34 17 cb 0e 18 4e 29 ef 9b
                c0 e8 74 75 ba 66 3b e0 9e 00 ab 56 2e b7 c0 f7
                16 5f 96 9a 9b 42 41 41 98 cc f1 bf f2 a2 c8 d6
                89 a4 14 ec e7 66 29 27 66 56 89 e9 4d b9 61 eb
                ae c5 61 5c bc 1a 78 95 c6 85 1a c9 61 43 2f f1
                11 8d 46 07 d3 2e f9 dc 73 2d 51 33 3b e4 b4 d0
                e3 0d de a7 84 ec a8 be 47 e7 41 be 9c 19 63 1d
                c4 70 a5 2e f4 dc 13 a4 f3 63 3f d4 34 d7 87 c1
                70 97 7b 41 7d f5 98 e1 d0 dd e5 06 bb 71 d6 f0
                bc 17 ec 70 e3 b0 3c dc 19 65 cb 36 99 3f 63 3b
                04 72 e5 0d 09 23 ac 6c 66 fd f1 d3 e6 45 9c c1
                21 f0 f5 f9 4d 09 e9 db cf 5d 69 0e 23 23 38 38
                a0 ba cb 7c 63 8d 1b 26 50 a4 30 8c d1 71 b6 85
                51 26 d1 da 67 2a 6e d8 5a 8d 78 c2 86 fb 56 f4
                ab 3d 21 49 75 28 04 5c 63 26 2c 8a 42 af 2f 98
                02 c5 3b 7b b8 be 28 e7 8f e0 b5 ce 45 fb b7 a1
                af 1a 3b 28 a8 d9 4b 78 90 e3 c8 82 e3 9b c9 8e
                9f 0a d7 60 25 bf 0d d2 f0 02 98 e7 14 1a 22 6b
                3d 7c ee 41 4f 60 4d 1e 0b a5 4d 11 d5 fe 58 bc
                ce a6 ad 77 ad 2e 8c 1c aa cf 32 45 90 14 b7 b9
                10 01 b1 ef a8 ad 17 2a 52 3f b8 e3 65 b5 77 12
                1b f9 fd 88 a2 c6 0c 21 e8 21 d7 b6 ac b4 7a 5a
                99 5e 40 ca ce d5 c2 23 b8 fe 6d e5 e1 8e 9d 2e
                58 93 ae fe bb 7a ae 7f f1 a1 46 26 0e 2f 11 0e
                93 95 28 21 3a 00 25 a3 8e c7 9a ab c8 61 b2 5e
                bc 50 9a 46 74 c1 32 aa ac b7 e0 14 6f 14 ef d1
                1c fc af 4c aa 4f 77 5a 71 6c e3 25 e0 a4 35 a4
                d3 49 d7 20 bc f1 37 45 0a fc 45 04 6f c1 a1 f8
                3a 9d 32 97 77 a7 08 4e 4a ad ae 71 22 ce 97 00
                59 30 52 8e b3 c7 f7 f1 12 9b 37 28 87 a3 71 15
                5a 3b a2 01 a2 5c bf 1d cb 64 e7 cd ee 09 2c 31
                41 fb 55 50 fe 3d 0d d8 2e 87 0e 57 8b 2b 46 50
                08 18 11 3b 8f 65 69 77 3c 67 73 85 b6 9a 42 b7
                7d cb a7 ac ff d9 5f d4 45 2e 23 aa a1 d3 7e 1d
                a2 15 1e a6 58 d4 0a 35 96 b2 7a c9 f8 12 9d c6
                cf 06 43 77 26 24 b5 9f 4f 46 12 30 df 47 1c a2
                60 87 c3 94 2d 5c 66 87 df 60 82 83 59 35 a3 f8
                7c b7 62 b0 c3 b1 d0 dd a4 a6 53 39 65 be f1 b7
                b8 29 2e 25 4c 01 4d 09 0f ed 85 7c 44 c1 83 9c
                69 4c 0a 64 e3 fa d9 0a 11 f5 34 72 2b 6e e1 57
                4f 2e 14 9d 55 d7 44 de 48 87 02 4e 08 51 14 31
                c0 62 75 0e 16 c7 4a b9 f3 24 2f 2d b3 ff b1 2a
                8d 61 07 fa a2 29 d6 f6 37 3b 07 f3 6d 39 32 b3
                bd b0 4c 19 dd 64 ea dd 7f 93 c3 c5 64 c3 58 a1
                c8 1d cf 1c 9c 31 e5 b0 65 68 f9 75 44 c1 7d c1

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                56 98 c5 cb 38 98 3a 9a fc 42 78 3f aa 77 3a 52
                c9 d8 26 06 90 be 9e 31 56 aa 5b c1 50 9d ea 3f
                69 58 76 95 cd 6f f1 72 ba 83 e6 a6 d8 a7 d6 bb
                eb bb cd a3 67 27 31 98 3f 89 bc 58 31 dc 37 c3
                f3 c5 c5 6f ac c6 97 f3 cb 20 bd 5d ba db d7 02
                e5 48 44 ac 2f 62 69 01 fe 15 9d b9 3d fd 47 73
                d8 fe 73 56 2b 84 6c 1f c8 56 d1 80 27 62 84 0e
                bc 72 d7 98 8b de 75 cb ca 70 d3 19 d3 2c e0 cc
                02 53 bb 2a d4 55 72 3e e0 c7 f4 73 6c e6 e6 66
                5c 5a ca 32 a4 81 c5 38 39 bc 25 91 67 b0 13 d0
                42 33 95 ee b9 aa ae e3 20 61 49 a7 d5 50 d6 7f
                c5 fd fe 4a 8a 5c 35 d2 51 0b 66 43 79 ab 8f 72
                85 5a 2a f4 7a bc e2 a6 32 04 8e af 89 e5 cb 4a
                88 de bc 53 a5 95 10 3a cc e4 f1 cf f1 8a cf f0
                7a fe 1e b5 71 6a a1 e4 0b 63 13 4c 3a 3a e9 57
                9f a8 7f 51 5b e0 93 c2 d2 9d b6 d6 b6 5c 93 66
                1e 00 63 6b 59 27 04 d0 93 cc 67 16 c2 34 2e b1
                85 3d 48 c8 5c 63 ac 8a 28 54 46 2c 7b 77 e7 e3
                bd 1e ac 5b ca 28 ff aa 00 b5 d3 49 f8 a5 47 ad
                87 5b 96 a8 c2 b2 91 0c 93 01 30 9a 3f 91 38 a5
                69 31 11 f5 5b 3c 00 9c a9 47 c3 9d fc 82 d9 8e
                b1 ca a4 a9 cb e8 85 f7 86 fa 86 e5 5b e0 62 22
                2f 8b a9 0a 97 40 73 32 6b 31 21 2a ec e0 a3 4a
          :   }

C.3.  Example Certificate

   TODO: Add an example

   TODO: Add pretty print


   We would like to thank ... for their insightful comments.

Authors' Addresses

   Jake Massimo
   United States of America

   Panos Kampanakis
   United States of America

Massimo, et al.            Expires 8 May 2025                  [Page 26]
Internet-Draft           ML-DSA in Certificates            November 2024

   Sean Turner

   Bas Westerbaan

Massimo, et al.            Expires 8 May 2025                  [Page 27]